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TheraNest Ideas Portal

TheraNest Client Portal

Showing 6

Allow more than one client/family member to have access to the client portal

I have situations in which multiple family members (ie divorced parents where both parents have shared custody, parent and teen, etc) that need access to the client portal to be able to receive reminders, telehealth links, ability to pay, etc
Guest 3 months ago in Invitations 0 Already exists

Edit permissions for clients to request appointments through the client portal

I want to use the client self-scheduling option but not everyone else in my organization does. It seems there is only a way to turn it on for everyone or not at all. Can you change this to be a user to user choice?
Guest over 4 years ago in Appointments & Scheduling 2 Already exists

Disable clients from scheduling appointments same day on client portal

When clients schedule appointments on the client portal, allow me to prevent them from scheduling appointments for the same day.
Guest about 4 years ago in Appointments & Scheduling 1 Already exists

Enter insurance information in client portal

Allow clients to enter their insurance information in the client portal.
Guest over 4 years ago in Client & Billing Details 0 Already exists

calendar search

Ability to see a list of client's scheduled appts past and future from the search feature in the calendar as in Google calendar vs being taken to the agenda. Much more efficient when scheduling additional appts.
Guest over 5 years ago in Appointments & Scheduling 0 Already exists

Therapist permission to send intake and new forms

Allow therapists to "share new forms" and "resend intake forms" etc so that they can do this for yearly updates, or other times when necessary. There are times they need to obtain an additional parental consent, or other custom intake form we have...
Guest over 5 years ago in Intake Forms 0 Already exists