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Add note and telehealth icons to printed calendars

When printing a provider's calendar for the week, display the note and telehealth icons that appear on the appointment block.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Calendar & Scheduling 0 Future consideration

Professional external view of appointment availability

I work with many other professionals who are need of scheduling time with me for appointments. Sometimes they contact after hours. Is there a way to provide external professionals a glimpse of my calendar to allow easier collaboration of appointme...
Daniel Lechleiter almost 4 years ago in Calendar & Scheduling 0 Future consideration

More Note Details

The ' note detail' section in the case note should have the name of the template/document that was completed. This would help us view the appropriate note type that was completed. For example if staff completed the initial assessment the ' note d...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Notes & Cases 0 Future consideration

Add Preset Date Filters to Reports

On the detailed attendance report, can you add the following to the date range drop downs? This Week Last Week This Month Last Month This Year Last Year These are easy ways to look at period of time without having to type in the dates.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Reporting 0 Future consideration

Add option for "last X of the month" for repeat appointments

When scheduling a repeat appointment, allow me to schedule appointments for the last X day of the month (e.g., every last Monday of the month). Sometimes the last Monday may be week 4 or week 5, so the numerical values don't work.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Calendar & Scheduling 0 Future consideration

Add assigned staff to left sidebar when viewing a client's chart

When viewing a client's chart, allow me to view the assigned staff on the left sidebar so that I don't have to navigate away from the chart to view that information.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Clients & Groups 0 Future consideration

Coverage Inactive status

once you update the insurance prayer as inactive it should indicate on the client's side menu that the coverage is inactive. Currently it still shows it as appearing active, so there is no indicator that the status has changed. You have to go into...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Billing & Payments 0 Future consideration

Identify client session frequency under customized grid on client list.

It would be helpful to be able to look at your client list and identify clients as "weekly," every other week," pending discharge," etc. I know I often need to see how many are weekly vs. bi-weekly when considering schedule changes to my caseload ...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Clients & Groups 0 Future consideration

Add Client 'Bill To' information to Export

This would be to perform a quarterly internal audit to ensure that we have a parent/guardian for [active and archived] clients under the age of 18 for billing purposes.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Reporting 0 Future consideration

Batch Statements: Add a filter to allow to sort by Archived clients vs. active clients.

Add a filter to batch statements to allow to sort by Archived clients vs. active clients. When printing invoices it would be great to have the option to batch print those clients who are archived vs. those who are still active.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Billing & Payments 0 Future consideration