Create an appointment reminders schedule per client
Allow me to set an appointment reminders schedule at the client level rather than the organization level. We have some clients that need more frequent reminders.
about 2 years ago
in Clients & Groups
Future consideration
List resources for referring clients to other professionals
I often refer clients to other professionals for added services. I would like a designated place for me to add the contact information of these professionals for easy accessibility. This would be a general list not necessarily linked to a particul...
about 4 years ago
in Notes & Cases
Future consideration
After creating a recurring event on the calendar, allow me to edit the title of the event/series after. Right now I can only edit a single occurrence, but not the name/title of the whole series.
Populate authorization on the invoice based on the date of service
Have the authorization populate on the invoice based on the appointment date of service. Sometimes I may create an invoice for a past appointment and the insurance has changed.
Have more subscription options between the 50 and 80 users mark. It's a big jump in the number of users and the price and we need something in-between.
When I have messaging alerts set to "use client initials," alerts that a client has paid still show the full name. Can this setting be applied to ALL notifications?