Recognize Client Payment has Already been received when using "Process Payment Adjustment"
It would be nice if the "Process Payment Adjustment" option would recognize that a client payment has already been received and not try to automatically shift the copay amount to the client specified by the PR-3 adjustment.
When sending a one-time payment link, allow the client to view the invoice that's associated.
Additionally, if I send an invoice to a client, provide a one-time payment link or a link to the client portal.
Toggle between client initials and full name on calendar
Allow me to quickly go back and forth from seeing the client's initials on the calendar to seeing their full name. I change it to initials when clients come in, but then want to see the full names when I check my schedule in between sessions.
Allow me to add a client to a group from the appointment screen. It would benefit our practice by streamlining the process of doing notes for groups when a client attends a group that is not within their treatment plan.
When viewing the calendar in day view or week view for multiple providers, show the appointments side-by-side rather than overlapping so it's easier to see all the appointments.
When I click the link to launch a telehealth session, allow me to see the client name(s) that are going to be joining the session before I enter the waiting room. Sometimes I click the wrong link, so I need to verify I'm in the right session befor...