Populate authorization on the invoice based on the date of service
Have the authorization populate on the invoice based on the appointment date of service. Sometimes I may create an invoice for a past appointment and the insurance has changed.
Have more subscription options between the 50 and 80 users mark. It's a big jump in the number of users and the price and we need something in-between.
When I have messaging alerts set to "use client initials," alerts that a client has paid still show the full name. Can this setting be applied to ALL notifications?
Allow me to see who made changes to a client's details or insurance information without having to navigate away from the client and into the activity log.
about 2 years ago
in Clients & Groups
Future consideration
If I see a client as part of a group, but also see them individually, allow me to add their individual progress note to their group case. I don't need to create a separate case and want to keep all of their documentation together.
over 3 years ago
in Notes & Cases
Future consideration
Allow me to mark a treatment plan as complete so all the current goals get updated to "complete" and aren't pulled into the next treatment plan or progress notes.
over 1 year ago
in Notes & Cases
Future consideration
Alert staff when files are added to client Clinical Documents and Staff Documents
It would be helpful if staff could receive an alert whenever an administrator or another staff person adds a document to the client's clinical documents and when an administrator adds a document to the staff's document tab