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TheraNest Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Clients & Groups
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 28, 2021

Move diagnosis code to client details

Instead of inputting the client's diagnosis codes under Diagnostic Impressions, allow me to enter the diagnosis codes somewhere on the Client Details page. I want to be able to quickly view this from the client's page rather than finding it in a note. We also have some staff members that need to reference the client's diagnosis when calling insurance, but they shouldn't have access to the case.
App Type TheraNest App
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  • Guest
    Feb 8, 2023
    Agree with this post; the dx should be at the client level, not the case level, so that it carries across cases. A way could be included that allows for previous or current dx's to be pulled over to a new case instead of making them completely universal, if that does not work for all levels of care (IOP vs clinic vs IP).
  • Guest
    Apr 27, 2021
    Can we please at the Diagnostic Code section Diagnostic Impressions form to the client details section instead? We have custom evaluation forms, but still need to go into the Diagnostic Impressions form to add in the diagnostic code to bill, and that's not very efficient. It would be excellent if we could add it to the client details section and have it transmit to our case notes and billing that way.
  • Guest
    Mar 15, 2019
    Yes!!! We absolutely need this! Another thing that would help or be very helpful is to have the diagnosis as an option for the daily billings sheets. That would be wonderful!
  • Guest
    Mar 1, 2018
    Our office has a staff member who does all of the billing. Can you create a permission level or some way for a staff member to print superbills with the diagnosis code without having to add office staff to the appointment and the invoice?
  • Guest
    Oct 18, 2017
    I am the office manager for our agency. Occasionally, I must contact insurance companies about claims. It would be helpful to me if I had access to the clients' diagnosis codes. Possibly on the Client Details Tab. It is inappropriate for me to have permission to see therapists' notes, which is where the diagnosis codes are currently located. Thank you for your attention.