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TheraNest Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Billing & Payments
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 6, 2023

Show payment method when viewing invoice details

When viewing the details of an invoice show whether it was a client payment or insurance payment under "Invoice Payments and Refunds" and "Unapplied Payments".
App Type TheraNest App
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  • Cindy Hooper
    Jun 2, 2023
    Add columns and additional data to the "Invoice Payments and Refunds" section of the detail from within an individual invoice. Column heading should be labeled "Payment Source" and it would correspond to the payment type "Client Payment" or "Insurance Payment". Also add these columns to the "Unapplied Payments/Credits and Refunds". Currently, we have to manually go into the detail of each unapplied payment to determine is this a patient payment source or an insurance payment source and it makes billing and account reconciliation very tedious and time consuming.
  • Guest
    Jan 17, 2020
    When viewing the unapplied payments/credits and refunds on a client's ledger, allow me to see whether it's an insurance credit or client credit.