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TheraNest Ideas Portal
Status Completed
Categories Reporting
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 27, 2022

Report on authorizations

Allow me to run a report where I can view all of the authorization information for my clients so I don't have to go into each one individually.
App Type TheraNest App
    Aug 23, 2024
    Our Enhanced Authorizations feature is now available to all organizations, which now includes detailed reporting on your client's authorizations.
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  • Guest
    Aug 11, 2022
    Ability to search clients who have an EAP or authorization. There is not a way to categorize clients who have these services to see how many sessions they have left. We can get notified when there is one session remaining but is there a way to add a column for an authorization or EAP in the client tab? IE: yes/no (and be able to take out when completed)
  • Guest
    Jun 27, 2022
    can you generate a report that includes the authorization end date?