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Categories Clients & Groups
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 13, 2022

Filter client list by client flags

When viewing the client list, allow me to customize the grid to include any client flags and allow me to sort/filter by the flags.
App Type TheraNest App
    Aug 23, 2024
    A new customized grid option for Client Flag is available when viewing the client list.
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  • Guest
    Aug 24, 2022
    Sorting by client flags would be great! Just having them on the Agenda and the client page is ok, but the billing department could use them as a resource. Running reports on clients who need credit cards, need insurance, have EAP's, etc would be so useful.
  • Guest
    Jul 22, 2022
    I got an followup email from Sarah M. asking for more specifics. About half of my practice are counseling clients, the other half are supervisees (counselors I supervise as part of their licensure). I have flagged the supervisees as such. In the same way that I can view active clients or archived clients on the client page, I would like to be able to see the list of supervisees only or counselees only. This is Paul Pennington now (Administrative Director for the practice). Since you added the Flags capability, we are asking if the Flags column could be added to the Customize Grid options. We could then add that column to our Client display grid, and then filter for client flag or supervisee flag when we are working with people in one or the other. We had tried the groups, but that just puts all names in one line, and has no display option like the Clients matrix.
  • Guest
    Jul 14, 2022
    add flags on client in clt customized grid
  • Christine Wheeler
    Jul 8, 2022
    In response to Sarah's questions...Ideally, the icon and the flag name would be great, but one or the other would be helpful. In terms of the location more toward the beginning of the list.
  • Guest
    Jun 17, 2022
    We're started using the client flags in TN and they are very helpful, however, we believe that it would be much easier for us to be aware of the flags if it came up next to the client name in the "clients" screen. If it cannot be automatically placed next to the client name, perhaps it could be added as an option under "Customize Grid". If it were available on that screen, it would be quick and easy to see them "at a glance". We appreciate you considering the addition of that feature.
  • Guest
    Jun 17, 2022
    Having the flags is a great baby step in the right direction, but what good does having a client flagged if I can not utilize the data?
  • Guest
    Jun 16, 2022
    The client tags are so helpful but it would be wonderful if we could search what clients have what tags. Adding a filter on the client page
  • Guest
    Jun 6, 2022
    The flag feature is a very good addition to Theranest! I feel it is critical to have a feature that allows users to sort by flags! I would even escalate that suggestion to one where we could pull reports based of a flag! I would love to know how many clients are flagged with the same flag! Please consider adding this!
  • Guest
    Jun 1, 2022
    We are just starting to use the flags and adding this feature would be immensely helpful.
  • Guest
    May 19, 2022
    Adding client flag to Customize Grid would be wonderful! And bonus points if you can add a drop down to sort the client list by flag type or client flag icon type. I also support a report that pulls a list of clients with client flags, and also displays the type of flag, making the list sortable by CSV then.
  • Guest
    Apr 28, 2022
    This is absolutely CRITICAL. Without a way to sort or run a report for all clients with flags, what are flags good for?!
  • Guest
    Apr 26, 2022
    It's great that you added client flags. My suggestion for improvement - When I customize the grid in my client list, I would like the option to add a column to see the client flag. Thanks.
  • Guest
    Apr 19, 2022
    Please allow the flags to be visible on the ledger and bill to/insurance info tabs. It would also be helpful to see the flags on the client list. It could be on the customizable grid so there is an option to see the flag or not see the flag. Thank you!
  • Christine Wheeler
    Apr 15, 2022
    Agreed. At least having an option to customize the client page gride to view the flags would be very helpful!