Ability to have more than one bank account that will receive the payment when accepting credit payments. This can be based on user log in.
This is useful when operating under an umbrella company but individual providers are sole proprietorship wi...
Allow me to include all the required information for insurance reimbursement on the client's payment receipt because it's quicker than generating a superbill.
Allow me to run a report that will show active clients that don't have a future appointment scheduled so that I can contact them about scheduling an appointment.
over 3 years ago
in Reporting
Future consideration
Don't allow me to invoice upcoming appointments as this can lead to incorrect charges if the invoice is created and the client doesn't keep the appointment.
Have a drop down option to select which insurance to use at the time of billing. For instances where claims need to be billed to different payers for different services.
Allow me to search for people who are in the contact network for my clients. Sometimes a person may start as a contact, but then end up a client and I want to see if we've already added them as a contact so I don't create a duplicate client.
over 2 years ago
in Clients & Groups
Future consideration
When I create an event appointment on my calendar, allow me to hide the details of it from other staff members because I don't want them to see details of my personal appointments.