Indicate if the duplicate client is due to a prospective client
When I get a warning that the client I am creating is potentially a duplicate client, let me know where I can view the information of the other client (whether it's an active, archived, or prospective client).
Thomas The Test Engine
about 1 year ago
in Clients & Groups
Future consideration
Allow providers to re-invite clients to the portal
As a provider, allow me to re-invite or resend the portal invite link to my clients so I don't have to ask an administrator. Some of my clients need another email sent to remind them.
over 2 years ago
in Clients & Groups
Future consideration
When a client fills out their demographic information on the client portal or when I fill it out in TheraNest, make the "race" field a free-text field instead of a drop-down.
almost 4 years ago
in Clients & Groups
Future consideration
As a therapist, allow me to create a flag for my client. I may need to create a flag to notate something clinically important that other staff need to be aware of.
over 2 years ago
in Clients & Groups
Future consideration
View only assigned clients in prospective clients list
If a therapist has the permission set to only view their assigned clients, then only show clients that have been assigned to them in the Prospective Clients list.
over 1 year ago
in Clients & Groups
Future consideration