Alert if credit card payment won't charge client CC
As a TN user who charges CCs through TheraNest/Vantage, I want to be alerted if a credit/debit card payment method will not actually charge the client's card, so that I'm not confused that my client's card was not charged.
Allow patients to send messages through client portal
Currently it seems that my patients can't send me a message through the client portal. It would be great if they could send me a message through their with attachments.
I see they can message me when making adjustments to their appointments but a...
Can you add under Location Filter "Offsite" and is there a way to type in where they are going like JJPI or WES instead of "Primary Location" also how can i see the note i may have added when im in calendar view.
When selecting the dates to run the report, that actually shows me from the date I selected to the date I selected. I just ran a report where I selected the 10th of the month and it is showing me clients from the 9th. And also show real time of th...
Allow each user to color-code different staff so they can quickly see the difference between their appointments and the appointments of another clinician.
I'd like to be able to access a client's details from the calendar. For example, clicking on the client's name would bring me to the client's details page.
Move banners that appear between agenda/invoice/payment screens so they do not block ability to click on necessary buttons (edit invoice)
The banners that appear after you've created an invoice from the agenda that say "invoice saved' block the buttons you need to advance to the next screen until the banner disappears. Move the banners to a location onscreen where they don't block b...