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TheraNest Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Notes & Cases
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 20, 2023

Improve the group notes workflow

Improve the workflow to create a group note for the group and progress notes for each client in the group. Right now it takes too much time to complete the notes and I have to jump to different areas.
App Type TheraNest App
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  • Guest
    Oct 27, 2023
    It would be ideal if, from the Group summary note screen, a Progress Note button was placed to permit creating notes associated with the appointment more efficiently. That way after I write the summary note, I can automatically create a note for the attendees associate4d with that session. It would be similar to how the Progress Note function wors from the agenda for indicidual sessions.
  • Guest
    Oct 18, 2023
    provide a shortcut for signing group progress notes and provide email notification when a note is signed/created
  • Meredith Korsen
    Sep 14, 2023
    Group notes take too much time and are inefficient with the current workflow. Is it possible to have a group summary and individual group progress notes all accessed from the same page? Currently it requires moving around in the system several times several ways. My Best Practice has a much more efficient way to do this.
  • Guest
    Sep 14, 2023
    Along with a description of the group session, it would be nice to have a section that would individualize the note and only be associated with that particular group member. I have worked in agencies where it is required to individualize a group note to a particular person based on Joint Commission accreditation and/or the Oregon Health Authority. So, this seems like a standard of practice.
  • Guest
    Dec 23, 2020
    Some additional tweaks will help create a smoother workflow. In the training/instructions to clinicians, there should be an instruction added *not to save and e-sign* the group note until the clinician has marked any attendees who were not present. After the group note is e-signed, then the attendance (all members default to “present”) cannot be adjusted or changed even by an administrator, and progress notes will have to be created even for people who were not present. The 'group note + progress note' workflow doesn’t handle the problem that happens when accessing the group note via the agenda page: Specifically, after starting a group note (from the agenda) for a group session that had been scheduled, the note will show the schedule date/time but does NOT show the list of attendees unless the clinician clicks the dropdown and chooses a *different* (wrong) appointment date/time choice (which will then display the list of attendees) and then changes it back to the correct time/date. An additional fix to the workflow is to add a link (or the set of tabs) to the page showing the e-signed group note. Once the group note is e-signed, there’s also no link (and no tabs) from that page from which to go back and start creating the progress notes for the members who attended that session. One has to click the browser 'back' button to get to a viable page in TN from which to start accessing those progress notes (e.g., to see the 'progress notes' tab near the top of a page).
  • David Routt
    May 29, 2019
    A progress note is normally necessary after a group note is entered, so improving the flow so that the progress notes for patients is easier to get to once a group note has been saved would be very beneficial.