Allow client's to access notes for each/or select treatment sessions via client portal instead of having the therapist download each note and share it with client.
Please add a function to send client a notification to co-sign treatment plans and other clinical documents. Presently, we cannot do so through the portal.
I have a concern about sending the notes option. The treatment plan could have the same useful information without sending out such highly protected information.
My practice focuses significantly on coaching and training parents to support their child's communication at home: I consequently send them copies of the session notes as they contain feedback, pointers, and home-practice activities that they need to refer to. At this point, I have to enter my note, save it, download it as a separate PDF, and then send it via the secure messenger. I would love to have the option to either send it directly to the family from within Theranest (via messenger) and/or give clients permission to view notes through their secure client portal.
Conversely, because many of us may want to send "homework" or feedback separately from the more formal clinical note, it could be helpful to have a section where this can be included and then shared with the family (again either directly through messenger or the with permitted access in the client portal).