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TheraNest Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 7, 2022

Add client name to progress note review alert

As a supervisor or supervisee, when I get an alert to about a progress note display the client's name so that when I come back to my alerts I can see which ones I've already done.
App Type TheraNest App
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Apr 7, 2023
    As a supervisee, when I get an alert that my supervisor has signed a case note, include the client name in the alert so when I go back to my alerts I know which one I've already viewed.
  • Guest
    Apr 6, 2023
    When our supervised clients get alerts under the Bell Icon that their supervisor has signed the Progress Note, the Alerts don't give the client name! You have to click on the Alert to see who the client is. After the interns then sign the note, they go back to their alerts and have to remember which one they just signed so they can delete.
  • Guest
    May 2, 2022
    It would be great if the alert list automatically generated when progress notes need supervisory approval had a patient name attached to the alert, not just a time stamp. Also, after clicking on the alert to view the note and approve it, the alert doesn't disappear or immediately resolve. Which means after approving any progress note, you need to find that alert page again (you are not automatically taken back to that page) and remember by time stamp which one you just approved to delete it manually.