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TheraNest Ideas Portal
Status Completed
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 18, 2018

Display client detail notes on Agenda

I need my front desk and scheduling staff to see notes and alerts related to a client when they check in, so that we do not miss important information about clients. We use the Notes field on the client details for such information so if it were displayed on the Agenda that would be helpful.
App Type TheraNest App
    Aug 23, 2024
    We've release an exciting new feature. Now you can see the client profile notes field summarized in the main Agenda contact card. Simply click on the contact card icon next to your client's name, and voila! You'll have the note available without shuffling around between pages.
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  • Guest
    Jul 16, 2019
    I just commented a similar suggestion regarding appointment notes showing on the agenda but think client detail notes is the better option for alerting therapists or admin staff as to special situations that require addressing with a client. Actually, if both could appear that would be the total solution since there may be a situation that repeats ( client note ) and a one time situation (appointment note) I am pleased to see the "started" status and look forward to shortly seeing the "completed" status.
  • Guest
    Jun 11, 2019
    this is much needed! our front office has no way of knowing what information is needed when they are checking people in, since the notes are on the client detail page.
  • Guest
    Feb 24, 2019
    An addition to the agenda screen where alerts would populate in red next to client's name (i.e., client owes money, need insurance card, need new card on file, etc.)