Since a group cannot be unarchived, admins/org admins should have the ability prevent other staff from archiving groups. Especially if that staff member isn't assigned to the group.
I want to be able to archive a family group (a couple) and then unarchive the group, but cannot do that right now. Occasionally a couple will stop couples therapy and then want to return sometime later and it would be helpful to be able to unarchive the group.
You need to have a function that allows you to unarchive a group. And you should not be calling it "archive" if it really means "delete". This is totally illogical. Are you supposed to never archive a group and just have a long list of groups in your queue that you don't see anymore? And what if they decide to come back and they are archived? Therapists need to be able to unarchive a group for continuity of care.
I can archive a group in TheraNest, but it doesn't have the same functionality as archiving a client since I can't unarchive a group. Use a different term than "archive" for groups since it doesn't mimic other archiving functions in TheraNest.
We are requesting this feature because automatically marking appointments as 'kept' leads to potential insurance fraud if appointments that were missed are accidentally left as kept and then billed for reimbursement.
We need to be able to access previous group information for grant reporting purposes. Please add this feature. It could be similar to how you can archive and archive clients.
I absolutely agree I have groups/family that goes on hiatus and then re-starts all the time! A much needed feature to prevent having to re-create groups all over again