Add new field with options for client gender identity
Male and female are not the only gender options clients identify with, and "other" seems a rude way to label a client. "Transgender" would be a great option to have, although it doesn't cover the entire spectrum of client gender identities. Transgender could be added as an option and instead of "other," possibly a blank allowing entry for other options.
App Type
TheraNest App
Aug 23, 2024
We've added a new field for gender identity to the client profile's details tab (under the manage demographic info section).
Transgender M-F or F-M is outdated and some find offensive. Ideally, please change this field to allow clients to enter their own gender, as there are many ways to identify. Please at least change these options to Trans Man or Trans Woman. On the client portal side, this only shows as "Gender," where on the therapist/user side it shows as "Legal Gender." This is really confusing for clients who don't realize the field is "Legal" gender.
Please remove the gender options except Male or Female. Insurance will not pay a claim with any other gender chosen. So any option that would cause a claim to fail should not be something that would be on the 1500 form. Please make a "preferred" spot for genders that are other than M or F.
Let's be clear here everyone. The words being bandied about, MALE and FEMALE, denote ***.
For Theranest to be appropriate and speak to all folks, it will need to do the following:
1. Change the word GENDER to *** and also use FEMALE, TRANS, INTERSEX, MALE and ASEXUAL, etc. Or, use the word GENDER and then also use WOMAN, *****, GENDERQUEER, ANDROGYNOUS, and MAN etc.
2. As folks have mentioned in previous comments, add a second GENDER/*** ON INSURANCE category that TN will pull as a "primary demographic" field for the purpose of insurance submission.
Your software does not have an option for non-binary folks. I have a ct who is non-binary (not trans-F or trans-M) and I can't submit her claims as "undefined". I have to assign her an incorrect gender which feels terrible. You guys need to update your gender selections so that accurate information can be submitted for claims. Her insurance has her listed as non-binary so there is no reason why it shouldn't be submitted that way.
I agree with Erica and have the same issue. It's now law in CA to allow a nonbinary gender option but I don't think the clearinghouses have been updated. I will raise the issue with them. Thanks for all your support!
I have multiple clients whose gender is marked as either "transgender," "undefined," or "other" but who, for insurance purposes, need their gender marked as it was assigned at birth. Consequently, several of my insurance claims have failed to process and I am now put in the position to inaccurately document my clients' gender in their medical record so that their insurance claims will go through. My suggestion is that you offer two gender fields: a "gender" field and a "gender on insurance card" field, the latter of which would auto-populate to insurance claims. That way, the medical reflect can accurately reflect that someone is, for instance, a trans man, but for insurances purposes, 'female' will auto-populate.
The demographics page on the patient portal has a drop-down menu for gender and the choices are limited and offensive for some.
Better to have a box for people to write in their gender.
Perhaps another box for "gender marker used by your insurance company" to make transparent why we are asking.
Preferred pronoun is also important - and have it be easy for patients to change.
Patients have also expressed fears that giving a preferred name that is not their legal/insurance name will out them to the insurance company. Perhaps a note that lets people know what information is for the insurance claims (CMS) and which is for their therapist's eyes only.
Put a second Gender drop-down box that is titled Preferred Gender that allows for all types of choices. Right now, you have choices in Gender that do not show up on a Claims form because they have only Male or Female choices on a 1500 claim. Therefore, if we select anything other than Male or Female, nothing is selected on the 1500 claim form and it is denied at the clearinghouse level. There should be an 'official' gender for claims purposes and then a preferred gender selection option.
What Rachel said. I had to remove TransG M-F because of the binary issue; it does not populate on the billing tab and the claim got kicked back for missing gender code.
It is great that there are so many options for gender on the client details page, however, the CMS 1500 requires the sex of the patient and requires that it be entered as binary. It would be helpful if there was a section for both gender and sex to be entered in the details page, and clarify that sex is collected just for the purpose of claim submissions.