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TheraNest Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 31, 2023

Switch back to old navigation

Allow me the option to switch back to the old navigation.
App Type TheraNest App
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Mar 20, 2023
    Please allow us the option to switch back to the old navigation. We have over 20 staff in our office and none of them like the new layout. It's aggravating to use.
  • Guest
    Feb 17, 2023
    We ABSOLUTELY HATE the new layout!! My therapists are complaining and it takes three times as long to get anything done!!! Please put the old layout back in place!!!! I am tired of the complaining and tired of all the changes!!!!!! Ridiculous AND you switch this stuff during the workday???? Give us a break!!!
  • Guest
    Feb 17, 2023
    The way the task bar is set up, there is more clicking required. There is an extra click for everything needed to be done with a client. This is inefficient. I always have to click the people icon to get to everything I need to do with a clients file. Please put all those tasks back up at the top so moving around a file is more time efficient. Thanks
  • Guest
    Feb 15, 2023
    Really really liked the old website design better. Please go back to the old design
  • Guest
    Feb 15, 2023
    The new layout is awful to move between areas (clients, billing, reports etc) and even in each section you are having to scroll down to get to where you need to be. Please give us the option of going back to the old layout. Just like some of your other "updates" this one is not helpful and wastes more time now.
  • Guest
    Feb 15, 2023
    Hi - the new layout for Theranest is great. Is there anyway to move the navigation sidebar to the top of the it is horizontal and not on the left side? It would be easier to access for me...thanks!
  • Guest
    Feb 14, 2023
    The new navigation screen is not of benefit. In too many cases it now requires more key strokes and screen changes to get to where you need to be. The old version with the options across the top was MUCH BETTER. Go back to the old main screen PLEASE or provide a choice in settings.! Just one example, and very irritating, is that if you want to use the calendar view, as I have to believe many uses do, to see across the staff lineup for the day you have to go back to "schedule" and select "staff" each time you view a client! This adds much more time to our workflow. Go back to the older version or give the user the option of which view they want as their default view in settings.
  • Guest
    Feb 14, 2023
    Please get rid of the new layout and go back to the old one. I HATE it. Navigation is very complex!!!!!!!!
  • Guest
    Feb 7, 2023
    Please please put the main menu options or whatever that would be called (schedule, my tasks, clients, etc) back at the top of the page where they were before. A huge format change like this is not efficient for those of us that have been using the same format for the last 5 years.