Allow me the option to turn off the automatic processing of ERAs.
App Type
TheraNest App
Aug 23, 2024
A new claim setting is available to disable automatic ERA processing. Click here ( ) to learn more.
I would like the option to turn off automatic ERA processing. It is creating a huge interference with my billing and reconciliation with my bank account. PLEASE make it an option to process our own ERAs again, as before, or I will not be able to continue with TN.
I am unable to choose 'critical', but this is significantly causing issues and a mess for our practice. It has tripled our workload and is affecting how our counselors are paid. If this continues, I will need to cancel our theranest account. Just because the information is showing 'accepted' in the clearinghouse does not mean we have received the payment. Therefore, ledgers now say paid when they have not been paid.
Automatic ERA processing is impacting my bookkeeping. This is causing me additional work to my business. I will begin looking for an alternate company if this practice is not ceased in a reasonable time. This would be unfortunate as I have enjoyed the use of TN for a couple of years.
After reading these comments, it's pretty clear why the customer service supervisor did not call me today as was agreed upon. Each day that goes by with this new so-called 'improvement' in place is just another day for us to investigate other EHR options. It would be so nice if TheraNest would finally stop making improvements that make things more difficult. We've gotten really great at working around all the constant changes but we are weary of it for sure. Also, so tired of being told to vote for a feature as a fix for a problem.
Hello, I appreciate this feature and the thought behind it, however, we really need an option to turn it off. There are many reasons this can cause issues for providers and billers, so we need to have a choice. Thank you!
You took action to implement this with out advance notice to the user community and now you have to "work on a solution" ?
The interim solution is obvious.
Uninstall the update and go back to the prior process until a more robust, user friendly, "solution" can be developed and offered up for comments prior to being implemented.
Every day just adds more processed ERAs to the problems stated in these posts.
This is infuriating. To implement such a drastic change to the billing/claims process is totally inappropriate. I am a sole practitioner and the messed me up big time. I can't imagine what effect it is having on clinics or large practices.s It doesn't seem like we should have to wait for a solution, why can't this be reversed/stopped/cancelled immediately? This is a serious problem
While we appreciate the thought behind this idea, automatic ERA processing is not something our agency is able to utilize.
Because of the way our agency tracks payments from insurance and paying its contracted counselors, it is much better for us to manually review and post all our ERAs.
Please allow for this feature to be optional for users.
Thank you!
Looks like you have shut down all ERA processing. There are no new ERAs showing up for the past 2 days. Also, some of the ERAs that did get applied under the new revision appear to have the wrong check number associated in the paid/processed list.
In addition, ERAs were applied when , in fact, the funds have NOT been received in our bank. We can't apply payments we have not received. Just because an ERA shows up does not mean the payment has been issued and received.
I suggest that you create a function for ERAs similar to batch invoicing where a list of unprocessed ERAs can be created, by various filters like PAYER, Received Date, etc with check boxes for each ERA. Then by checking one or many or "all" the various auto-apply options can be selected and run for the included ERAs.
Without a doubt, the auto-ERA application can be a great tool and enhancement BUT it has to have the appropriate level of review and controls I have just described.
Users must have the opportunity to review candidate ERAs and select those that are deemed appropriate to be proccessed and applied.
An audit report should also be available to run showing the details of the application by date, check, by client, by payer , etc. Filters would be advisable.
Without these enhancements I would like the old process left intact with the options to write-off, etc still available at the individual claim/invoice/client ERA line item level.
Thank you
This was an extremely bad idea to implement. Automatic processing without the ability to review first simply does not work in so many situations.
The comments already posted have listed many reasons why this should not happen.
Make this an optional feature or remove it.
Once a solution is in place? Seems to me that the automatic process of ERA's should be turned off, and a new option be developed and offered to your clients before implementing something that isn't satisfactory for all business plans and processes. For our team personally, this is now creating more work, more time that can be focused on other areas.
This definitely needs to be an optional feature! When EBT payments come in they do not always come in on the same day as the ERA is received. Having ERAs process automatically makes it nearly impossible to reconcile my books. It also imposed false payment dates especially if the funds have not been received when the ERA is processed. Please add an option to turn this function off!
The option for turning off the automatic ERA processing needs to happen immediately. Others have listed the many reasons that this should be an option. There needs to be a global option to turn it off. Subscribers should have been ask about it before implementing it.
As an Organization Admin I would like the option to turn off the new release of Automatic ERA Processing for my Organization. This does not work for our clinic as we have people on payment plans to cover large deductibles etc. We need this turned off immediately so that we can monitor when we need to be billing. Are there reports to notify us? ?I have to go search to see who got processed? This does not work for us at ALL.
It's sad that with all of the desperately needed enhancements, we're forced to vote on having you NOT implement your most recent enhancement. Others have already stated enough reasons why this is a bad idea, so I won't clog up the comments with more, I'll just state it clearly - You're product managers have no idea how the billing process works, and shouldn't be allowed to make decisions related to billing enhancements. You need to either turn this off or you need to give us an opt-out option. If you are looking for enhancements to billing, why don't you start with carrier contract rates feeding to invoices, rather than getting it from the service type? Or you could focus on actually making coinsurance work like copay? Or you could add modifiers to the providers and have those also feed to the invoice? How about making "override price" a table, rather than a single value for those clients who engage in multiple services? There is a lot of low hanging fruit you could be working on instead of making changes that actually make our lives harder.
This is a critical issue. When ERA's go to paid/processed there is no summary of the ERA to cross reference the ledger. My billers will now have to go find the EOB/claim to make sure everything was paid correctly. I don't want to charge clients unless I know these ERA's are processed correctly and we have a practice of 1500 clients.
What about HSA payments, secondary insurance, paper checks???