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TheraNest Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Billing & Payments
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 21, 2022

Populate "Signature on File" in box 31 of claim form

Allow me to populate "Signature on File" in box 31 of the CMS 1500 form for specific staff members.
App Type TheraNest App
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Jan 27, 2022
    It would be very helpful to have the he option to auto populate "SIGNATURE ON FILE" in Box 31 of the Claim 1500 form. TheraNest currently placed the name of the rendering provider on the invoice in Box 31. The reason for this suggestion is that when a unlicensed provider is having to bill with the licensed provider's NPI, the NPI in box 24J must match the name. This obviously can't happen with TheraNest's current setup and claims will get rejected due to this disrepancy. The work-around would be to just changed the rendering provider to the licensed supervisor; however, since most therapist's compensation is tied to collections, we still need to connect the revenue to the unlicensed therapist. REALLY HOPING THIS COULD BE AN EASY ADDITION! Since we already have to add the supervisor's billing info under the "Bill To & Insurance", maybe add a checkbox that says "Add 'SIGNTURE ON FILE' to Box 31 instead of the rendering provider's name."