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TheraNest Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Billing & Payments
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 18, 2021

Default rendering provider on invoice to staff on appointment

When creating an invoice for an appointment, make the rendering provider default to the staff member on the appointment.
App Type TheraNest App
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  • Presston Kennedy
    Nov 6, 2024

    This is a huge issue that needs to be addressed soon. We have clients that see multiple staff for multiple services on the same day. When invoices are created and claims are submitted, only one rendering provider is submitted with the claim. These claims often get rejected and need to be manually adjusted and resubmitted. This creates more work for our office staff and creates delays in payment. Huge issue as our number of clients with multiple services grows.

  • Guest
    Feb 28, 2024
    Unless specified otherwise in the client's insurance on file, the rendering provider needs to automatically default to the appointment staff. We have clients who see multiple different clinicians at our practice. I have to manually change the rendering provider to match the appointment staff to create the invoice. I'm also still having the issue where it's defaulting to the billing coordinator as appointment staff. Especially with the new automated billing features, this issue needs to be resolved.
  • Guest
    Jan 5, 2023
    YES this is a huge issue and needs to be addressed. I have brought this to the attention of TN multiple times over the last year and nothing has been done. I have a practice with over 750 clients and it's extremely frustrating when a client is seeing multiple providers and there is only one spot under rendering provider. Therefore the invoices are then created under my name and I have to go to the file and manually change it based on who the client is seeing before I can submit the invoices. This is time consuming and annoying. Not to mention with the AMA license, the system will not create an invoice if its in my name as I'm not a provider, so I end up paying the fee so that the system will create the invoices. This is a practice of 750 clients and 28 providers. This defeats the purpose of having batch billing and interrupts the workflow.
  • Guest
    Jun 16, 2022
    This is a huge issue and needs to be addressed!! When we create a “New invoice”, if the child has more than one staff, the system selects as “Rendering Provider” the name of the person who is creating the invoice. That is a big problem because our billing person (who is not a therapist) then becomes listed as a rendering provider. Therefore, we have to change rendering providers one by one and we have hundreds of clients that have multiple staff!!!
  • Guest
    Mar 2, 2022
    Have rendering provider be linked to who signed the progress note. If we have two different clinicians seeing the same patient, even for two different therapies (OT and ST) it has to be manually changed when doing claims to reflect the rendering provider on invoice details, otherwise it automatically fills to the person doing the claims as the rendering provider.
  • Guest
    Jun 16, 2021
    Please make the Rendering Provider on the invoice default to the provider listed on the actual appointment instead of the assigned staff member or the last provider who saw the client. This is creating issues with payroll because the wrong provider is tied to the invoice due to it defaulting to either an assigned staff (which can be several) or the person creating the invoice. We have multiple clients who see two different therapists. If the rendering provider on the invoice was tied to the rendering provider on the actual appointment, I do not see how this would continue to be an issue. Thank you!