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TheraNest Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Notes & Cases
Created by Guest
Created on May 12, 2021

Consolidate archived client & case forms

We create and archive a lot of dynamic forms for clients as client forms or case forms. Each form is displayed as a separate tab when viewing the client's details or case, and given how many we have it's hard to distinguish between the archived ones and active ones.
App Type TheraNest App
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  • Guest
    Jan 25, 2024
    please allow us to delete tabs no longer used. It is impeding functionality and the flow of our workspace. It is a large inconvenience. We need to be able to clean up the clutter.
  • Guest
    Oct 20, 2023
    It would be much cleaner visually if there were not a bunch of non-essential form tabs at the top after you have clicked to open a client. You are able to reach these forms by going to the dynamic forms tabs. It's not necessary to have them at the top of the client page. The whole theranest platform seems very cluttered. It would also be nicer if the schedule view did not list the phone number of the client under their name. It make it look cluttered. Just list the client's name. When you click on the appointment or client then you can see additional details.
  • Guest
    Oct 20, 2023
  • Guest
    Aug 5, 2023
    When Tabs ate archived. It would be nice if they could be hidden. As we have to continue to update documents, we must create new forms. The archived tabs still show & looks messy.
  • Guest
    Jun 29, 2023
    I would like the ability to hide archived tabs and/or any other form tabs from notes and client details sections. I have created many custom forms and this area becomes cluttered. To delete the form means I need to go into all the records where I have used the form with a client and save a print or pdf of that form before I can delete. Archiving the form is great, but it leaves the form as an italicized tab on the notes or client details section. I would like to be able to hide the tab or the option to add tabs rather than they automatically show up in the section. If I am working on or designing a form I don't necessarily want it showing up to be used yet... Thank you for your consideration.
  • Guest
    Dec 1, 2022
    Please remove tabs we no longer need, I would love to be able to access tat information on the dynamic forms page but not on the active tabs list!
  • Thomas The Test Engine
    Nov 28, 2022
    Our tabs at the top of the Client Details page and the top of the Notes page are getting numerous. We have had to replace old dynamic forms with new dynamic forms and we are able to deactivate old forms, but the tabs stay at the top of the pages forever. They become italicized, but I would like to be able to archive forms and have them still be accessible through possibly the dynamic forms tab, but not have the actual tabs on the page. They are cluttering the pages and making it difficult to find active forms.
  • Guest
    Oct 10, 2022
    it would be nice to be able to use practice settings to reorder how dynamic forms show up on client profiles and to be able to hide tabs that are not regularly needed
  • Guest
    Aug 12, 2022
    When you archive a dynamic form, instead of the tab being italicized, it actually disappears from the tabs on the top of the page. They can still be accessible for auditing purposes, but maybe they can be accessed through a different method. It makes things unorganized and confusing for people who are learning the system. We have adapted the way we do forms and made them so we can copy/edit past forms as we go.
  • Guest
    Jul 1, 2022
    I can still see the archived forms in the forms at the top of my screen for each client, even though I have never used these forms. They are clutter and confusing for new therapists coming into the practice, seeing forms we do not want them to use. Please hide them from view - that's the whole point of archiving.
  • Guest
    Apr 1, 2022
    When a certain form is archived, it currently stays in the tab section of all the other forms, just italicized. I was wondering if there could be a shift to allow for a toggle feature to be added in that area to allow a practice to hide or show that form to clear up the tab section? Thank you! =)
  • Guest
    Jun 7, 2021
    Please give the option to remove tabs or achive them when no longer in use. A tab must be created each time a new document is made but as most documents change over time this leaves countless tabs which is impractical and inefficient.
  • Guest
    May 11, 2021
    Please allow us to archive tabs for archived forms so that we do not end up having 100 tabs due to retiring forms!