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TheraNest Ideas Portal
148 VOTE
Status Future consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 5, 2018

Greater distinction for canceled appointments

When viewing the calendar, it's hard to distinguish between the cancelled appointments and other appointments because they appear in the same bright color. Have a way for the cancelled appointments to still be shown on the calendar, but with a greater distinction between the kept and scheduled appointments.
App Type TheraNest App
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  • Guest
    Jan 18, 2022
    Yes PLEASE! It would be great if cancelled appts would show up grey so they are easily visually assessed for potential open scheduling space.
  • Guest
    Apr 28, 2021
    YES! For rescheduled appointments too!
  • Guest
    Aug 25, 2020
    Gray out appoints that is marked no show, late cancel and cancelled
  • Guest
    Mar 10, 2020
    Adding a strike through for the text was very helpful in other EHR softwares I have used.
  • Guest
    Nov 2, 2019
    It would be nice if cancelled appointments showed up in a different color in month view. When scheduling appointments I can't see if an appointment was cancelled unless I am in that day or my agenda.
  • Guest
    Nov 2, 2019
    It would be nice if cancelled appointments showed up in a different color in month view. When scheduling appointments I can't see if an appointment was cancelled unless I am in that day or my agenda.
  • Guest
    Oct 5, 2019
    Graying out the cancelled appt or signifiantly reducing its color would be great! That is what we did when using Google calendar prior to TN, no-show & cancelled appts were changed to gray. We want to still be able to see cancelled appts, but them just not be as visible for ease of seeing actual open appts.
  • Guest
    Sep 27, 2019
    YES! Our therapists share treatment rooms and rely on the calendar to know when a room is available. We lose revenue because the appointments still show on the calendar- indicating to all staff that a room is "in use" even though the appointment has been cancelled.
  • Guest
    Sep 4, 2019
    I would like the monthly calendar view to show appointments that are canceled with "strikethrough" font so it's clear to me that the appointment isn't really there. I don't delete them, but I'll leave them there to save the data or especially if they are rescheduled, there is no way to tell from a quick glance at the month.
  • Guest
    Jun 7, 2019
    Please, please, please change the color of the appointment and/or allow CC to show up in the monthly view. I need to be able to see confirmed or cancelled appts at a glance in monthly view. I also need to clearly see cancelled appts on my google calendar.
  • Guest
    May 13, 2019
    Have the block of a canceled appointment a different color so it visibly stands out and same with non work events
  • Guest
    Mar 29, 2019
    Client;s who cancel and /or reschedule sessions in the portal should show on the calendar. Instead their appointment is just deleted and there is no record of there being an appointment. This is VERY confusing and often results in me having to weed through hundreds of emails for an auto alert to see if they cancelled or I just accidentally didn't add them. The little "CC" when a session in cancelled on my end is helpful but needs to be the same when they cancel on their end.
  • Guest
    Nov 30, 2018
    This would be a tremendous help! Either dimming the appointment or having the option to set a specific color for cancelled or failed appointments would be ideal.
  • Guest
    Nov 30, 2018
    This is really important. Dim them, or change them to a different color or something. Otherwise, since they are the same color, staff sees them as still present and may not schedule them!!
  • Guest
    Nov 21, 2018
    It would be helpful to get rid of cancelled or rescheduled appts, or at least a different color code so that you can see you openings. Thanks :)
  • Guest
    Nov 14, 2018
    it would be nice if the cancelled appointment remained in the calendar view but as a strike through. Some people mainly use the calendar view and you can't see if there is a cancellation at first glance
  • Guest
    Oct 29, 2018
    In the month view indicate canceled or rescheduled appointments with the names being crossed out or a symbol of some sort
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