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Status Completed
Categories Notes & Cases
Created by Guest
Created on May 31, 2018

Save drafts of progress notes before forwarding for supervisor approval

When I save a progress note it gets sent to my supervisor for approval. Allow me to save a draft of the note so that I can continue editing it before it gets sent to my supervisor.
App Type TheraNest App
    Aug 23, 2024
    Clicking the Save button in a progress note will now save the note as a draft without triggering the supervisory workflow. The new Save & Submit to Supervisor(s) button under the Save will notify your supervisor the progress note is ready to view or cosign.
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Sep 30, 2023
    Supervisees are provided a checkbox within their notes that they require co-signature. They can choose from a dropdown menu who to route their notes to for co-signature. The supervisor receives the routed notes in an inbox of sorts to know which notes require co-signature.
  • Guest
    Jun 23, 2023
    As a supervisor we need a notification to review an intake completed by our supervisee, just like we do for a progress note. Please add this document to the to be reviewed alert. This needs to be review, returned or signed off on by the supervisor, then signed by the supervisee.
  • Guest
    May 25, 2023
    Yes please! It takes so much time to sort through notes that need a quick edit vs are simply incomplete. This is very necessary.
  • Guest
    Feb 15, 2023
    This appears to be a significant issue in that as a supervisor I am getting notified that a note is ready for approval when it is actually still in progress for my supervisee who is in the process of saving and editing the note. A more efficient process would be to have an "In-Progress" status versus "Submitted for Approval" status for supervisees when they are completing their notes so that the supervisor isn't having to create additional ways to manage the process.
  • Guest
    Jan 18, 2023
    I know that recent changes to supervisee/supervisor workflow have happened, but there still needs to be a "save" vs "submit to supervisor" to limit confusion and unnecessary notifications.
  • Guest
    Dec 27, 2022
    Add a "save and send to supervisor" button on the note. When I create a note now, it saves the draft and sends that to my supervisor for signature. It gets confusing when you're supervising multiple members and they are signing notes all day.
  • Guest
    Nov 23, 2022
    Adding "send for review" or something along those lines. When saving the progress note, it'll send to the supervisor for review before the note is complete. It would be nice to add another button to send to the supervisor for review when the note is complete.
  • Guest
    Mar 4, 2022
    When we receive notifications that our supervisee has a note that is "awaiting our review," the note could still be in progress and not completed therefore, it's hard to tell what notes are ready for the supervisor's signature and which notes the supervisee is still working on. Is there any way to tell the difference between the two? And a way to put a different status marker on notes still in progress versus notes completed by the supervisee? It's a time waster for us having to login to the note to see if it's been fully completed and ready for our signature. To combat this we are having to ask the supervisees' to send us a list of completed notes at the end of the week because the system isn't notifying us that they are fully ready for review. We have reviewed the knowledge base articles and can't seem to find an answer. It seems there is no way to differentiate between the two statutes and we feel this would be a very helpful, time saving feature for all if added. 
  • Guest
    Sep 5, 2019
    Currently, notes automatically default to review status when they are saved. However, it is common to start a note, and complete it at a later time. This results in the reviewer seeing the note as ready for review, when in fact, it may not be complete. It would be great if notes could have a save option, and a "save & submit to reviewer" button so that it only gets submitted when it is ready for review.
  • Guest
    Jan 26, 2019
    Add a button to forward draft/saved/signed notes to other providers (e.g. supervisor). This should be available for all notes, including contact log, treatment plants, initial assessment, etc. Thank you
  • Guest
    Apr 6, 2018
    Allow user to work on a note and save it without sending it for review to supervisor. Currently as soon as it is saved, the supervisor receives it for review. This makes it hard to start a note and finish it at a later time.
  • Guest
    Sep 29, 2017
  • Guest
    May 8, 2017
  • Guest
    Dec 7, 2016
    Hi, I'd love to be able to sign my note immediately after I write it. Right now, I have to wait until my supervisor signs it, and I often forget to go back and sign. Thanks!