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TheraNest Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Intake Forms
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 19, 2016

Incorporate outcome tracking in client portal

It would be great if you had space for multiple form entries through the client portal -- to track weekly outcomes, or outcomes by each visit.
App Type TheraNest Client Portal
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Nov 30, 2020
    I would like to be able to track who I have sent Client Portal Intake Forms to: Name, City, Email, Phone, Ethnicity - or if easier, the information in Client Details. I would also like to see who has completed them and who needs to.
  • Guest
    Oct 5, 2018
    I would like to see the ability to integrate with routine outcome measure software that has been extensively researched, like OQ Analyst. This software can help predict when clients are at risk for deterioration or dropout so counselors can address it before it happens.
  • Guest
    Oct 2, 2018
    We use the assessments from the DSM-5 to diagnose and assess severity. We also use the SRS and ORS scales to assess rapport with the client and subjective report of outcome. It would be wonderful to have outcome measure options as well as the ability to upload assessments we are currently using.
  • Guest
    Sep 29, 2018
    Does TheraNest have any outcome tracking system?
  • Guest
    Sep 11, 2018
    Have clients fill out forms and for fields to populate into data to track progress and achieve effective results
  • Guest
    Jun 23, 2018
    We need to keep track of client's progress and we use free assessments such as the DASS (depression, anxiety, stress scale), Y-BOCS (Yale-brown obsessive compulsive disorder); Beck Depression Inventory, PHQ-9, GAD-7, etc, etc, etc. It would be great to include these and include the ability to have users fill these out post intake either through the client portal or in a HIPPA compliant manner in session using therapists account. Or at least have the option to have them in the therapist portal .
  • Guest
    Jun 23, 2018
    We need to keep track of client's progress and we use free assessments such as the DASS (depression, anxiety, stress scale), Y-BOCS (Yale-brown obsessive compulsive disorder); Beck Depression Inventory, PHQ-9, GAD-7, etc, etc, etc. It would be great to include these and include the ability to have users fill these out post intake either through the client portal or in a HIPPA compliant manner in session using therapists account. Or at least have the option to have them in the therapist portal .
  • Guest
    Feb 13, 2018
    Allow therapists to assign self report measures (e.g., PHQ-9, PCL, YBOCS) to patients for completion within patient portal to assist with tracking client progress and outcome.
  • Guest
    Mar 15, 2017
    Might TheraNest consider utilizing software tools that enable clients to complete outcome questionnaires and session rating scales? I think this could be truly innovative on TheraNest's part and would connect nicely with TheraBook. Maybe TheraNest could partner with ICCE or another organization to make this happen. The data generated could be very useful for research as well.
  • Guest
    Apr 25, 2015
    Increased need for accountability and effectiveness of treatment can be addressed through regular use of therapy outcome measures such as the ORS and SRS, simple rating scales administered to client each session (takes about two minutes), which provide immediate, session buy session feedback regarding progress in treatment and therapeutic alliance. See PCOMS and FIT for additional information.