Add customizable text shortcuts/phrases to assist in note writing
Add customizable macros shortcuts to assist in note writing like the Mental Status Exam selections. IE - Supportive Counseling, EMDR, CBT, Active Listening, etc.
over 5 years ago
in Notes & Cases
Future consideration
At the bottom of the client page, there is the option to select the number of clients that display. Have TheraNest remember what number I set so I don't have to set it every time I view the client list or other similar places in TheraNest.
David Russ
over 3 years ago
in Clients & Groups
Future consideration
Allow clients to sync their portal appointments with their personal calendars
Allow clients to sync their appointments to their personal calendars, similar to how we can sync with Google, so they don't have to enter them manually.
Display the day of the week in client Appointment History
It would be really helpful to see what day of the week a client has appointments in the "Appointments" page of their client account. Instead I have to go back and forth to the calendar to verify what days of the week they come in.
over 7 years ago
in Clients & Groups
Future consideration
Create a tag or status for Staff to that they are not accepting new Clients
Create a tag or status for Staff to that they are waitlisting/not accepting new Clients to prevent new intakes or clients from being assigned. Include the ability to log the start and end date of the waitlist period to tract the history of the Sta...