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TheraNest Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Reporting
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 11, 2020

Handle unapplied/refunded payments in the payroll report

Create a better way to handle unapplied and/or refunded payments in the payroll report.

App Type TheraNest App
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  • Guest
    Jul 14, 2023
    Payments made ahead of services provided (such as a retainer) do not show in reports with the date of service (Payroll, Staff Billing, etc.). Instead, when services are provided, the payment is applied using the date of payment, (not the date of service) which is often outside of the pay period, meaning the clinician is not credited with the revenue. Oddly, it also does not show revenue in these reports for the dates when the payment is made and no services are provided/posted against payment. This means the employee would never get credit for that revenue unless I know about the retainer. It would be easier if the revenue was credited according to the posting/applying date, which it seems to do with late payments but not prepayments.
  • Guest
    Jul 20, 2021
    Yes, and somehow we need to be able to track refunds in payroll as well.
  • Guest
    Jul 23, 2020
    Currently, if a payment goes into the client's account as a credit on their account (ex: they paid for several sessions ahead of time, so the next few sessions payments aren't attached to an invoice yet) then that payment doesn't show up in the staff billing report. It doesn't show up when the payment goes into the account, or when it gets attached to a session invoice later. Since we run payroll based off this reports, we just realized a lot of session payments didn't get paid to our therapists because of this flaw in the report.

Better handling of refunds on payroll report after staff has been paid out

Please create a way for a client refund to be reflected on the payroll report after the staff has been paid out for the payment.
Guest 3 months ago in Billing & Payments 0 Future consideration