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TheraNest Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Clients & Groups
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 21, 2020

Display client's preferred name throughout TheraNest

I'd like for all account information to show the client's preferred name, unless it has to do with billing. It's quite difficult to respect a trans client's preferred name when their non-preferred or "dead name" is constantly being flashed in front of the therapist.
App Type TheraNest App
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  • Guest
    Dec 9, 2023
    The system has a "Preferred Name" section but all documentation still has legal name. This is not affirming of individuals, specifically in the LGBTQ community, whose legal name does not align. Some people have transitioned or transitioning and documents in their chart, especially ones they sign, aren't reflective of their identity.
  • Guest
    Aug 2, 2023
    Currently, the clients preferred name is not displayed when sending messages to the client. The sender still see the clients given name.
  • Guest
    Nov 13, 2022
    Please add “Chosen First Name” and “Chosen Last Name”, if possible. Allow for the above Chosen Names to be added to Dynamic Forms in addition to only allowing auto-population of “Client Full Name”. For example, perhaps allowing “Client Chosen Full Name” in addition to this. If a client only had a Chosen First Name but retains their given Last Name, the “Client Chosen Full Name” should automatically select for “Chosen First Name” and “Last Name”. If less complicated, perhaps change “Preferred Name” to “Chosen/Preferred Name” and allow this to be added to Dynamic Forms, if possible.
  • Guest
    Jul 21, 2022
    The messaging needs to have the client's preferred name instead of their legal name.
  • Guest
    May 9, 2022
    We have several non-binary clients who don't like seeing their legal name in the messenger on TheraNest. They have a preferred name they like to go by which is reflected on their details page. However, we would love to see a change implemented in the system so that the client's preferred name shows up everywhere in the client's chart and not just certain places. For example, the client portal messenger system does not use the client's preferred name. This has bothered clients to the point where they don't want to use the messenger and we have to find a workaround for how to communicate with them.
  • Guest
    Oct 25, 2021
    Currently it seems that the client portal displays messages as being to/from the legal name. There is a lot of potential for causing harm to clients who don't identify with that name and are in the process of changing it. Please have the portal display the preferred name!
  • Guest
    Oct 30, 2020
    When running the Demographic Analytics report, have the client's preferred name displayed as well.
  • Guest
    Oct 21, 2020
    Agreed. There should at least be an option to choose Legal or Preferred name when sending messages to clients, viewing messages sent from the patient via the client portal, etc. Some of our clients are comfortable using their preferred name all the time. However, some are not ready to use it with family members yet. Legal name should not be auto set to every function on Theranest, it should be optional and easily changed.
  • Guest
    Oct 15, 2020
    I agree! And I would like to specifically extend this to the telehealth name options, especially. Right now my trans clients are forced to look at their dead name in every telehealth session and I don't think it's necessary. And it can feel quite distressing and upsetting.