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TheraNest Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 25, 2023

Autosave dynamic forms, treatment plans, and assessments

Autosave dynamic client or case forms, as well as treatment plans and initial assessments that I'm filling out so that if I navigate away and forget to save, all of my work is there on the screen when I come back. I know the draft copies are saved for clinical documents, but they are confusing and easy to miss.

App Type TheraNest App
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Sep 5, 2023
    Allow the system to auto-save notes so that notes are not lost if another part of TheraNest is clicked on without saving. Second to this is setting it so that notes can be saved with required sections blank, but not signed unless required sections have written details.
  • Guest
    Jun 24, 2020
    Please insert the function for custom forms to auto-save. I am more accustomed to the progress notes autosaving, and expect this in custom form creation. There are countless encounters where I am creating a form and an employee walks in and asks a questions which require navigating out of the custom form that I am in the middle of creating and when going back, it is gone. POOF. All that hard work. Yes, I can attempt to train to hit the save button, but the majority of programs, WORD, EXCEL, OUTLOOK will retain the information for us.

Autosave group notes

When I'm writing a group note, have TheraNest auto-save it every so often. I write long group notes and sometimes I've lost my work when I accidentally hit a wrong button.
Guest over 1 year ago in Notes & Cases 1 Future consideration