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Change appointment time and service types in progress notes

There are times that I will have to go over the scheduled timeframe and need to bill a different code. I'd like to change this on the progress note and have it reflected back on the appointment, so our records are accurate.
App Type TheraNest App
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    • Guest
      Nov 6, 2023
      Please make it so that if a person edits service time in the progress note, their units are automatically calculated and edited on the invoice (instead of it being based on what is in the calendar).
    • Guest
      Oct 6, 2023
      Hello, I am writing with an idea that would be very helpful. When you are writing a note, theranest automatically links to the client's scheduled appointment, which is wonderful. However, if an appointment was scheduled for 45 minutes, and actually went for 60 minutes, you aren't able to edit the appointment from within the note. To edit, you must go back to your calendar and edit the appointment from there, and then go back to your note. It would be very helpful and time saving to be able to edit an appointment within the note itself. Please let me know if you have any questions about this suggestion. Thank you.
    • Guest
      Oct 18, 2022
      This concept needs to be revisited. We should be able to change the CPT code in the progress note as situations may change and create a different duration/type of the appointment (may be a shorter/longer session or care provided than originally scheduled). Your dev team would need to have the CPT code interchangeable from the calendar and agenda.
    • Guest
      Apr 27, 2021
      Currently, when you change the duration of an appt on the Progress Note, this does not change it on the appointment in the Agenda, so when we do billing, the billed time in the Detailed Attendance Report is inconsistent with the progress note.
    • Guest
      Apr 26, 2021
      Per our contracts, our organization is required to use specific service type codes for No Shows or No Procedure Code. Because of this, our therapists need to change the service type in the appointment before doing their progress note, so that the note refects the correct CPT code. Unfortunately, we find that our therapists often forget this step, sign their notes, and then later have to make corrections on both the note and the appointment. This sometimes means that an Admin has to remove their signature from the progress note in order for them to make the correction, since the progress note and appointment are locked once the note is signed. If there was an option to edit the Service Type when completing the note, this would make this process easier for our clinicians, so they don't miss this extra step.
    • Guest
      Nov 18, 2020
      It would be helpful to be able to change an appointment code after a session has started incase an appointment goes shorter or longer than scheduled. For example, I might schedule a patient for a 90834 but then end up going over and can't change it after the session to a 90837.
    • Guest
      Apr 21, 2020
      Allow session type/ procedure code to be changed in notes. For example, an individual psychotherapy session that was scheduled in calendar might end up being a crisis session or a family session. There's no way to change this without creating a new session.
    • Guest
      Apr 7, 2020
      YES!!!!!!!!!! Please!!!!!
    • Guest
      Dec 13, 2019
      Can billing please pull from the duration set in the note, and not the appointment time? We sometimes have clients that come to group late or leave early, but it is only 1 client out of a group of 12, By pulling from the appointment, it isnt pulling the correct units for these clients.
    • Guest
      Oct 10, 2019
      Currently, billing is based on the amount of time that is entered on the calendar. I may have a session that goes over the allotted appointment time, due to the nature of my services. I will indicate this in the progress note (I change the amount of time the session lasted), but when I create an invoice, the amount of units billed is still based on the calendar time. I would love a way to enter the actual start and end times of a session and then have that be what the units billed is based on. This would save us a lot of headache having to go back to the calendar and adjust the appointment time before creating the note.