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TheraNest Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Notes & Cases
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 19, 2018

Allow the same title in different text boxes in custom forms

I need to reuse the same title for multiple fields in custom forms, but I can't. For example, to track a client's success at using different coping skills I want to be able to have a form that looks like this: Coping Skill: | Success: [ ] orienting | yes/no/starting to use [ ] mindfulness | yes/no/starting to use [ ] journaling | yes/no/starting to use
App Type TheraNest App
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    May 18, 2020
    Ability to duplicate Headings and Titles
  • Guest
    Jan 23, 2020
    Currently 'custom forms' allows you to have an "options list" as well as a check box; BUT it does NOT allow you to have the SAME / IDENTICAL verbiage for a check box. It would be great to see the following: EXAMPLE: FEELING HAPPY. Select the number to show what percentage of the time this happens to you. (0% Never, 100% Always) ☐ 0% ☐ 10 ☐ 20 ☐ 30 ☐ 40 ☐ 50 ☐ 60 ☐ 70 ☐ 80 ☐ 90 ☐100% FEELING SAD. Select the number to show what percentage of the time this happens to you. (0% Never, 100% Always) ☐ 0% ☐ 10 ☐ 20 ☐ 30 ☐ 40 ☐ 50 ☐ 60 ☐ 70 ☐ 80 ☐ 90 ☐100%
  • Guest
    Oct 12, 2019
    I need to use the same words to recreate an assessment.
  • Guest
    Aug 21, 2019
    It would be nice to use the same word more then once in a checklist. We are trying to create a form with for academic strengths/weaknesses but can't duplicate words in a checklist
  • Guest
    Jun 15, 2019
    It would be nice to create a space for initials on an intake form. Currently you cannot have a form section with a duplicate header, so that does not allow me to use the intake form feature in that way
  • Guest
    Jun 6, 2019
    When I was designing forms on client portal I ran in to the problem that if I made check boxes for yes or no I could only do it once since it was trying to force me to make each one unique. I'd like it so that you can have check boxes saying the same thing multiple times. Also with entering demographic information it would be helpful if they also had to enter they're insurance information as well. Or have the option to select Self-Pay, EAP (with opportunity to list # of visits allowed and the authorization code), and Probation Vouchers. Thank you so much for your time. Brooklynn
  • Guest
    Apr 7, 2019
    When creating client forms from scratch, please allow for duplicate titles. Sometimes it is necessary to have the same words on a form. for example " if yes, please describe. "
  • Guest
    Apr 3, 2019
    Please address this! So many forms require the same option responses. Please remove this limit and make custom forms actually usable.
  • Guest
    Mar 28, 2019
    Right now the Custom Forms only allow each checkbox response to be used once even on a form with multiple items. This is a problem if each item has similar reponses (like, No not at all, Quite a bit, etc.) - I can't use the custom forms for scales that have the same or similar responses for every item.
  • Guest
    Mar 16, 2019
    I need to be able to ask questions that sound the same but are relevant to another issue. Like what did you eat for breakfast and be able to ask this question several time during a week. Or how they feel about "this" in different sections
  • Guest
    Feb 27, 2019
    The forms need to be able to allow the same title for different text rows. For example, I am trying to create a Trauam Expereinces List and am titling each row: "Incident/Memory". Underneath this text box, I include another text box titled "Age". Since there can't be the more than one of the same title names on the form, I am having to write "Incident/Memory" and "Age" 15 different ways.
  • Guest
    Aug 8, 2018
    I was trying to create a custom form with the authorization to release/request confidential information. I wished to create two subsections, one for release and one for request with the same check boxes (treatment plans, notes, psychosocial eval, verbal communication, etc.) However it would not allow me to do so because both sections have identical check boxes. It would be nice to have a warning that indicates a duplicated section, but instead of it not allowing me to continue, it would be great to have the option to continue even with the duplication;)
  • Guest
    May 21, 2018
    It is helpful and convenient to use the client portal forms. I had a couple of ideas that I would like to share. 1. Within the questions asked in a form it is helpful to include the same option several times on the same form. For example if I ask a question about a history of mental health and I have options that could be selected I like to include "other" and allow the client to type their response, because I cannot list all the diagnosis from the DSM. But the form will only allow me to type "other" once as an option or it will say the word has already been used. 2. It would save paper if the forms could be divided into two columns. For example if I want to list 15 child behavior symptoms it would take almost an entire page. If there was a two column option it would only take have the page.
  • Guest
    May 22, 2017
    YES. PLEASE MAKE THIS CHANGE. Also allow check box and other elements to be duplicated.
  • Guest
    Jun 17, 2016
    Please allow Titles to be duplicated in the same form. It is needed
  • Guest
    Aug 6, 2015
    I need to be able to repeat questions when making a custom form. Right now it won't allow me to create duplicate questions, or in the other words with the same words in it.
  • Guest
    Oct 2, 2013
    for instance when I'm building a custom form, i need to have a place for the date more then just one time. I am attempting to make a form for a monthly report, and I need to be able to put the options of Goal, objective 1, progress, Objective 2, progress, multiple times, as occasionally the clients have more then one goal they are working on.