It would be helpful to have a tab that is designated for process notes that can be labeled as separate from the rest of the medical record. These notes are more detailed by the therapist and are more protected under HIPAA.
On the page for writing up progress notes, it would be nice to have a field for personal process/therapy notes to track hypotheses and musings alongside our official progress notes. While these process/therapy notes could be viewed alongside the progress notes they could also be independently viewed as a compilation (ie, all in one screen). Lastly, these would be treated as separate from the client’s official medical records.
I agree, it's still important to have a Progress note for each session that would reflect work on the treatment plan. I then created my own form entitled Private Psychotherapy Note that would contain the more detailed and protected info. Thanks to Theranest for having an article on this :)
It would be nice to have a separate process notes section that we could record actual quotes, thoughts, or other information that the client would rather not be shared should there ever be a request for documents, but that are helpful for treatment