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TheraNest Ideas Portal
263 VOTE
Status Completed
Categories Billing & Payments
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 15, 2018

Add ability to apply write-offs to invoices when processing ERA payments

In the same workflow of processing and applying an ERA payment, add the ability to write-off any remaining insurance balance due and have it reflected in the client's ledger.
App Type TheraNest App
    Aug 23, 2024
    A write-off can be applied for any remaining balance when processing an ERA payment. The "Actions" menu next to an ERA payment now includes a selection to "Process and write off balance", which will apply the payment to the invoices and create a write-off equal to the remaining insurance balance due.
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  • Guest
    Nov 18, 2021
    It would be great if the contractual adjustment could automatically be removed from insurance balance when posting payments through the Billing Section in ERA Received. This would save time in having to manually create "write-offs" to get rid of the contractual adjustments. Thank you.
  • Guest
    Nov 12, 2021
    Having TN automatically process the insurance write offs at the same time the ERA downloaded would be super helpful and time efficient. Please program your software to implement this change.
  • Guest
    Sep 27, 2021
    Yes!! Please!!
  • Guest
    Sep 24, 2021
    I asked all of the providers in my practice to vote on this. It would save so much time to have this feature!
  • Guest
    Sep 4, 2021
    It would help workflow if TheraNest would just automatically take the insurance adjustment as a w/o so we do not have to go back to the invoice to manually write it off in order to correct the insurance balance on the clients' ledgers.
  • Guest
    May 20, 2021
    Yes! We did use Therapy Notes for some time and their ERA processing was SO much better, easy to view list and can select the insurance adjustment/write off on the same screen as posting the payment.
  • Guest
    Mar 24, 2021
    It only makes sense to be able to enter a write off and show the rest as client responsibility. Thanks.
  • Guest
    Feb 5, 2021
    Yes, please add!
  • Guest
    Jan 28, 2021
    I bill $150 for each session. My main insurance provider pays me $98 per session including co-pay. I have to therefore MANUALLY write-off $52 per session. It is my understanding that other MH provider platforms do the write-offs automatically. Yesterday, on the Facebook Therapist User group I asked if I was correct that this has to be done manually and the group responded 1) that this is correct that it has to be done manually and 2) that this is a major weakness of Theranest. I believe that one comment stated that she preferred to do it manually because then she knows that it is done correctly. However, all other comments (and there many) strongly agreed with me that this should be done automatically and it is very frustrating that it is not done so. May I suggest that this change be made. Thank you.
  • Guest
    Jan 27, 2021
    Yes. Please listen and make these changes. From what I gather, other competitions have the ability to do so.
  • Guest
    Jan 27, 2021
    Yes please!
  • Guest
    Jan 26, 2021
    Good idea
  • Guest
    Jan 26, 2021
    Yes, please add ability to apply write-offs to invoices when processing ERA Payments
  • Guest
    Dec 22, 2020
    There are several things I wish TN would do, but this is number one. It wastes so much time.
  • Marla Deibler
    Dec 22, 2020
    PLEASE! As a large practice, this takes hours and hours per week to do manually. In programming, perhaps it would be possible to enter or check off the amount to write off all on one page when processing ERAs rather than on each individual leger?
  • Guest
    Sep 2, 2020
    Add option to write off insurance balance when processing ERA payment.
  • Guest
    May 26, 2020
    The explanation that I've heard for why they haven't done this is that they don't want to do the write off in case there is a secondary to bill to. I've never been able to bill a written off insurance amount to secondary, you can only bill copay/deductibles. So no matter what the insurance write off needs to happen.
  • Guest
    May 21, 2020
    All the other EHR's I've worked with do it... this was a new learning curve for me.
  • Guest
    May 21, 2020
  • Guest
    May 21, 2020
    And have the invoices marked as PAID and moved from the SUBMITTED to the PAID\PROCESSED sections of the Billing Menu
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