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TheraNest Ideas Portal
Status Completed
Categories Clients & Groups
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 4, 2017

Add field for a preferred pronoun to client details

and in the basic information area.
App Type TheraNest App
    Aug 23, 2024
    We've added a new field for preferred pronouns to the client profile's details tab (under the manage demographic info section).
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  • Guest
    Feb 10, 2021
    Add the client's pronouns under their name on the agenda and the client details page.
  • Guest
    Aug 10, 2018
    Most of my clients are LGBTQ. Preferred pronouns would be super helpful. As would ****** Orientation on the details page!
  • Guest
    Aug 6, 2018
    I work with a large number of transgender patients and need a place where I can indicate the chosen name of my patients and their pronouns. This is especially important as we have admin who sometimes make phone calls etc. to our patients. In addition, the gender fields allow male and female and transgender BUT this is not in line with insurance cards. So, when our patients use the Portal and change their "***" (this actually should be labeled gender identity) to transgender this causes problems with insurance coverage, as transgender is never an option on an insurance card. Please separate this, so it says "*** listed on insurance card." And then have another demographic field for gender identity which includes: male, female, transgender, gender nonbinary, genderqueer, and other please specify. Please all make it so that proper can check all that apply.