Our facility is undergoing accreditation with The Joint Commission. When reviewing statues, it indicates a client's "preferred language" is required in the demographics section of their chart. Would this be a feature THeraNest would consider adding ASAP?
App Type
TheraNest App
Aug 23, 2024
A new field is available in the client’s Details to indicate their preferred language.
It will be important to have a feature that allows me to put the language preference for my clients in messages and notification. My clients mostly speak Spanish. They may not be able to understand the messages that get sent out in English.
Our facility is undergoing accreditation with The Joint Commission. When reviewing statues, it indicates a client's "preferred language" is required in the demographics section of their chart. Would this be a feature THeraNest would consider adding ASAP?
Create a section in the clients details of the prefer language. We have many Spanish speaking clients and it be very helpful the clinician and the front desk see under the clients details what language the client seeking services so there isn't any confusion when they come in.