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TheraNest Ideas Portal
107 VOTE
Status Future consideration
Categories Notes & Cases
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 6, 2016

Share form templates with other TheraNest users

Allow me to share my Dynamic Form templates with other TheraNest users and have them share their forms with me.
App Type TheraNest App
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Jan 6, 2021
    I'd like to be able to have other assessments included to send to clients. Things such as the ACEs questionnaire are easy to complete/score, and are a source of valuable information. In addition, because I work in perinatal mental health, I would like to be able to assess for PMADs by sending assessments to clients easily. Insurance companies are wanting data, and therapists need Theranest to make it easy for us to get this information.
  • Guest
    Oct 3, 2020
    Add templates that are specific to medication management and medication evaluations.
  • Guest
    May 7, 2020
    Creating forms on this platform is a bit tedious and takes a lot of time. I would love a feature where there is a "pool" of custom forms to which all TheraNest subscribers can submit their custom forms. We can both donate forms and add others' forms to our Intake forms for clients. For example, I am currently creating a Symptom Checklist in my custom forms so my clients can complete it right on TheraNest. With this feature, others could take my form and put it into their customs forms and I could select other forms that other therapists share and use it with my clients.
  • Guest
    May 10, 2019
    I wholeheartedly agree. However, the difficulty likely has to do with legality/ethics parameters as each form likely has to meet some type of state, etc. requirement. Pehaps there is a disclaimer that the clinic assumes all responsibilities if choosing to implement such a document into their practice. I still love the idea of collaborative forms.
  • Guest
    Feb 28, 2019
    Create more templates for Notes or the ability to modify including drop down boxes for interventions and progress made. Also, to be able to search the calendar by Patient Name.
  • Guest
    Feb 27, 2019
    In Intake Forms, add the Beck Depression Inventory, Post-Traumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale, GAD7, Zung Anxiety Scale. basically any form that can be used initially and then give options for re-assessing clients over the long term.
  • Guest
    Dec 27, 2018
    I would like a more options for forms such as adolescent intake form, couples form, substance abuse evaluation, release of information, etc.
  • Guest
    Oct 23, 2018
    assessment screening tools with intake forms
  • Guest
    Oct 23, 2018
    intake form for couples
  • Guest
    Aug 15, 2018
    YES! Couldn't have said it better myself! This would make Theranest SO much better. This may be a pipedream, but I believe software already exists that can take a pdf, doc or xls form and convert it to a modifiable form. Although oftentimes not perfect in the translation of formatting, it gets you close enough that you just have to make a few tweaks instead of re-creating it from scratch. There are many applications (Able2Extract is one) that can take a PDF and convert it to a form (usually Word or Excel) you can work with, modify, etc. Enabling something like that on the back-end so a user could upload an electronic form of various formats might be a possible solution to streamline the conversion of a therapist's existing notes to Theranest Custom note format. Thanks.
  • Guest
    Mar 3, 2018
    We need to keep track of client's progress and we use free assessments such as the DASS (depression, anxiety, stress scale), Y-BOCS (Yale-brown obsessive compulsive disorder); Beck Depression Inventory, PHQ-9, GAD-7, etc, etc, etc. It would be great to include these and include the ability to have users fill these out post intake either through the client portal or in a HIPPA compliant manner in session using therapists account. Or at least have the option to have them in the therapist portal .
  • Guest
    Dec 19, 2017
    Please create templates for therapists that allow custom forms to be made easier and quicker than the system you are using. That is the main reason I do not use the client portal for all things and don't go strictly electronic. Creating the electronic forms will take too much time.
  • Guest
    Jan 6, 2017
    would love to see examples of how people have used the custom forms
  • Guest
    Oct 15, 2016
    YES~ or allow us to upload our own intake/notes so that they can be printed from anywhere when staff are logged int to theranest!!
  • Guest
    Sep 6, 2016
    i like this. I think that there should be a more comprehensive progress note form that has more drop down menus. I have not been able to find the time to create my own. Im sure someone else has one.
  • Guest
    Apr 2, 2016
    I would like to be able to edit default forms - there is a lot of great formatting but I can't use it because the details don't fit my practice. It would also be nice if there was a sharing library so that we could access forms others have edited / created.
  • +7