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TheraNest Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Intake Forms
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 22, 2016

Have fields on intake forms copy to fields in TheraNest

If I send a client an intake form and there are fields included that match fields in TheraNest (e.g., in the client's details), then when the client fills out the form have those same fields update in TheraNest so I don't have to copy the information over.
App Type TheraNest Client Portal
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Apr 19, 2023
    "when the client fills out the form have those same fields update in TheraNest so I don't have to copy the information over" AND I would love if we could make some of that data/ those fields required will then helps fill in everyone on Client Details, allowing for more complete data when pulling reports.
  • Guest
    Jan 13, 2023
    Have client intake forms go directly into client details in profile, not just to PDF documents that then have to be transferred over into Theranest profile.
  • Allyson Smith
    Jul 28, 2022
    It would be great if fields from client details or the "additional details" tab could merge into a field within a progress note. For example... if medications are documented on the additional fields tab, customize a progress note to pull the medications taken into the note. It would also be great if any fields completed within an intake document could populated into details or within a notes.
  • Guest
    Dec 31, 2020
    populate the initial PHQ/GAD information with the intial survey from intake if possible (some of us do this, I suppose and some do not). It would just make it easier to locate rather than going into General Documents > SharedFormxxxx and opening that up to scroll into it. Also please do this with the intial intake form too.
  • Guest
    Jun 26, 2020
    The information that is completed by a client on a custom form, through the portal, such as a Personal Data form that has demographics, can be pulled from and populated into the necessary spots in Theranest. So if demographics are completed they fill in the personal data info in Theranest.
  • Guest
    Jan 17, 2020
    PHQ9 and GAD7 and other questionnaires when completed on the portal should automatically port into clinical chart under their respective heading and not only under documents
  • Guest
    Dec 15, 2019
    Yes, anything the client enters that we therapists don't have to manually enter in other TheraNest fields would be great. Consistent with this, it'd be ideal if therapists could be asked if they want family members' address to match another family member's address.
  • Guest
    May 14, 2019
    The custom forms that are sent to the client through the client portal do not automatically populate into the clients file. They are saved as a PDF in the general documents tab. It would be more convenient if that information is automatically filled out in the relevant custom form in TheraNest rather than be saved as a PDF.
  • Guest
    Nov 14, 2018
    Please add this, it would be amazing to have this option and cut down on admin time also....
  • Guest
    Sep 4, 2018
    I believe it would be helpful to have the intake form saved as a webform (vs. pdf) so that the therapist can append comments in the intake. All patient-entered data should be static (unable to edit), can be one color, and therapist notes can be indicated as such. Ex. "Notes by [auto-insert therapist's name]:" and be a different, contrasting color. Including a pencil icon intermittently within the form will allow the therapist to add relevant comments to clarify patient's data, or simply intersperse text boxes under each section to allow for notes. The current arrangement requires the therapist to print the original intake form, write notes on it, and then scan and upload back to client on Theranest, or reference the printed intake and enter notes in Theranest. In either case, printing is required. Another option might be to enable a split screen mode so therapist can view intake in one screen and make comments in Theranest in the other. If using Windows (which we are not), a user could split their screen, but would have to have two simultaneous instances of Theranest open to 1) view the intake and 2) enter comments in notes. The web form would be the most efficient solution and this way the therapist can make notes 'on the fly'. The notes entered could remain part of the intake, as well as could be exported to the Initial intake note.
  • Guest
    Aug 31, 2018
    Once the Client Details are entered, allow the option on intake forms to auto populate data like client name, ER contact, contact info, etc. It's cumbersome to have to fill this in repeatedly across reports.
  • Guest
    Jul 28, 2018
    I am begging for this feature. The intake form that is currently there has been causing some major challenges for us. So much is missed in narrative form. Therefore, we needed to create a custom intake form. All of this info is required by insurance and state licensing regs. The great thing about this is that the entire form can be filled out by the client in the client portal. If it appears in the notes section (where it was created) we should have the capability to "duplicate last form." Now everything the client did populates over again (and what doesn't, the clinician can add) and the clinician can just enter in the clinical. It's a huge time saver and ensures we capture all the necessary information. As an example (in client portal custom form - add to clients chart (this will appear in the note section) - client completes note - note appears in the case vs the general doc uploads - duplicate last form in notes - note is pre populated and now clinician can add to the new form. Also a great way to do addendums. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add this. We really need to ensure solid flow in our practice. This would be amazing if you could do this, thank you.
  • Guest
    Jun 21, 2018
    I created an custom initial assessment and sent it the client portal. However, after the client completes it, it saves to general documents. It would be great to have that intake form save to where it comes from, case notes in this situation, so I can "copy last note" and add my clinical summary to the new note so it's complete/
  • Guest
    Aug 8, 2017
    The intake form that clients complete it great and very easily customizable; however I end up re-typing a ton of that same info into the intake therapy note and would love for some of it to auto-populate- would save tons of time on typing intakes.
  • Guest
    Jan 8, 2017
    Good point. Allowing users to set fields on custom forms to auto-populate fields on other custom forms would be a huge plus. I am curious if this type of setup is feasible, especially in a user-friendly fashion. To take this a step further, if custom forms in the client portal ("intake forms") could be set-up to auto-populate other custom forms, the system would really be a jewel.