I want to request that TheraNest allows us to see our clients and ourselves when we screen share. Right now we are having to toggle back and forth between screens or use the split screen feature of our computers. Other platforms like ZOOM have this feature built in allowing for continual viewing of the client and therapist as you move between different screens. This is especially important as we work with our clients and parents in a speech language therapy session. Please enable this feature immediately.
App Type
TheraNest Telehealth
Aug 23, 2024
Our new video solution allows better visibility of participants during screen sharing. Click here ( https://theranest.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360056388492-Telehealth-Workflow ) to view a video walkthrough of the new solution.
I will need to move my practice over to Zoom for all our EMDR sessions because the split screen option on the computer does not work well when using our remotEMDR web plateform for clients. Please give us all an update if Theranest plans to fix this issue.
The telehealth video page has a think blue banner at the top of the page which interefers with the ability to simulate eye contact with the client.
Most laptops and desktop computers have video cameras at the top of the monitor. In order to have some semblance of eye contact with clients we need to look directly into the camera. But if you do this then you can't watch the clients facial expressions. This requires looking back and forth between client face and camera orc onstantly looking at the client's face, which means they see out eyes looking down and thus poor eye contact.
If you eliminate the think blue banner at the top of the page then the client video feed and the camera can be very close together and thus allow us to make eye contact while seeing the client's face simultaneously. This will help close the divide that telehealth naturally causes.
While doing TeleHealth, it would be helpful to have the option to modify the view when sharing a screen. I want to be able to share my screen and see my client as the largest frame. If I want to manipulate things on my screen while screensharing, I cannot see my client unless I switch between tabs or split my screen (but my client is still the smallest). It would be nice to be able to screen share and see the client in a large frame.
I am a play therapist, which presents extra challenges for telehealth. It would be great to have the ability to have 2 camera views. Another way I have worked with Zoom, is to have 2 "clients" in the session... one is my cell phone and one is the client. My cell shows the second angle, most often a game or project the other is normal, looking at each other.