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TheraNest Ideas Portal
221 VOTE
Status Future consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 29, 2016

More granular permission levels

Have TheraNest modify the permissions levels to be more granular so we can select specific functions the individual can perform rather than multiple functions activated under a single role.
App Type TheraNest App
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  • Guest
    Apr 19, 2024
    Yes, please improve the customization options for permissions, separating billing from admin, etc.
  • Guest
    Aug 28, 2023
    Limit administrative access so I can give admin staff some access but so they cannot access assessments and progress notes.
  • Guest
    Jun 23, 2023
    I would like our therapists to be able to see some insurance info but not all.
  • Guest
    Jan 25, 2023
    In our larger group practice, subscribed at 1500 clients with 60 staff, we need to block some of our admin staff from accessing progress notes. We would like to see a permissions button to block the progress notes from an admin staff. Admin could still see, open and close case files that exist, creating cases, etc. Ideally, they would be able to see all case files, open cases but be blocked if they were to attempt to open up the progress notes or group notes. Something like a pop-up warning that says "Please see Organization account or Admin for permission to access this page" or something.
  • Guest
    Jan 5, 2023
    Currently only our Admin can run billing reports. It would be helpful for clinicians to do so, particularly for tax planning purposes where contractors are concerned.
  • Guest
    Oct 12, 2022
    YES! Please allow staff to set claims to be awaiting submission so that our biller can audit the note and bill.
  • Guest
    Aug 19, 2022
    Reiterating the importance of comments below. Clinicians should be able to view client payment and billing information.
  • Guest
    Jul 30, 2022
    To repeat the good ideas of others below...Allow clinicians the ability to view their clients billing information so they can assure accuracy and address any payment issues with the client. Also - reporting needs to be able to be broken down by clinician - missing notes and Invoice Aging, especially.
  • Guest
    Jul 26, 2022
    Hello, I'd like a way to be able track open claims/invoices per clinician so that i can easily answer their questions related to what is outstanding. They are paid out on a percentage base but the only way to track whats been paid and what hasnt (without giving them billing permissions (access to the ledger) is for them to figure out a way to manually track it.
  • Guest
    Apr 15, 2022
    Billing permissions need to be separate from Admin permissions. I do not want my administrators having access to billing and invoicing.
  • Guest
    Jan 12, 2022
    Allow staff permissions for Billing not include the Billing Reports or Revenue Reports. I do not wish to have my other therapists to see this information on their end, but would like them to have the ability to still create invoices and ediany billing as needed. Thank You.
  • Guest
    Jul 9, 2021
    Allow staff to turn on/off appointment reminders without giving them admin permissions.
  • Guest
    Jul 1, 2021
    I have a group practice and we NEED to have therapist be able to accept credit card payments at the time of session for co-pays... but they have to have FULL billing access which is aboslutely unacceptable. We are looking for another system to change to, as it is crippling our practice right now that co-pays are back to being collected. We absolutely do not want to have all of our therapist to have full billing access to the entire system. This seems like an obvious feature and we can't figure out why taking a payment isn't a basic function unrelated to all of the billing
  • Guest
    Jun 23, 2021
    It would be helpful to be able to give permissions for admin staff to access only the financial and other non-clinical information for a client without also getting access to the clinical data. This would come in handy if there is any kind of dual relationship with an admin and a client; they could access some records, but not all of them. Currently Theranest allows all or nothing for these features.
  • Guest
    May 18, 2021
    I don't understand why this isn't more of a priority. This is a HIPAA issue!!!
  • Guest
    Mar 22, 2021
    I would like the ability to manage default permissions in the position screen, so I can create a position and edit permissions for everyone with that position at the same time.
  • Guest
    Feb 1, 2021
    Create new permission category to allow selected staff to create invoices from confirmed sessions (but not have other billing permissions)
  • Guest
    Nov 10, 2020
    We need a feature that separates out permissions for staff - most notably financial reports, etc.. For indiv practices, it is not so much an issue. But for group practices, this is vital and makes sense.
  • Guest
    Nov 3, 2020
    We utilize non-client events on the calendar quite a bit, and need more privacy/control over which staff members can access those details.
  • Guest
    Oct 23, 2020
    Completely agree!!! I was going in to make a suggestion too on this. We need to be able to select what permissions we want. I think most likely each organization has roles that serve a little differently. I do NOT want my billing administrator to be able to read notes. But I had to give her administrative privileges so she could set some things up for us for billing. I am the behavioral health director. I did some of the administrative set ups. I completely agree, we need more choices, we need to be able to check box which permissions to give to each staff. This would be very very helpful and make us feel much more comfortable!
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