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TheraNest Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Invitations
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 22, 2019

Add "Send Client Portal Invite" option when adding a new client

At the bottom of each Add New Client box where we are putting in their name for the first time, to have a check box ‘send client portal invitation’ so we could check and send auto from there. And ideal if we get the option of whether to default that to yes or no – though I would imagine if we use the portal the most logical default would be to have that checked yes and we could uncheck if we needed.
App Type TheraNest Client Portal
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Dec 5, 2019
    We would like to see this too. It would be very helpful that if in the Add New Client Box, for whoever has access to add new client, to also send a client portal e-mail. It is difficult that the only users who can send client portal invites are those with admin privledges.
  • Ryan Diers
    Mar 25, 2019
    Allow client portal invite on initial client creation when a valid email. The two step process to create a client and then navigate to send them an email invite could be simplified to include a checkbox or button to send a client portal invite right from the same client creation form.