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TheraNest Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Reporting
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 1, 2022

Report on intake form status for clients

Allow me to run a report that will show all the intake documents that were sent to clients and the status of each document.
App Type TheraNest App
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Mar 21, 2023
    We need to be able to view on the client listing if intake forms have been completed. Now you have t open every case to make sure. It's more than knowing that the portal is active; it's needing to know that initial intake forms have been submitted including the date submitted.
  • Guest
    Jan 6, 2023
    Yes, agree with all the suggestions here. It would be nice to be able to see if intake forms have been submitted. Tracking this is a time-eater b/c there is a lot of manual tracking and checking happening. A simple report that displayed client name, date entered, first appointment date, forms status, would be great. An option in the "Customize Grid" screen for "Intake Forms Status" would be nice as well. More useful for our scheduler who is tasked with making sure forms have been submitted in order to keep the appointment. That person currently, without any tools/reports to help her, relies on paper and electronic notes to follow up with new clients to make sure their forms are in. The most important forms that we look for that are mandatory to have prior to keeping an appointment are Intake Forms (Consent) and also "other parent" consent forms when we have divorced parents of a minor. We spend a lot of time in this area, as I imagine others do, and some features to address it would be helpful.
  • Guest
    Jul 13, 2022
    Seriously... when having to check client's forms to make sure they're current, it is such a pain to have to go in to every single person's file just to see the date on their intake forms, even if I've already checked them and they're current. This means a lot of re-re-re-re checking on client's documents that I never needed to check, had I just seen a simple date from the Clients page. You can sort by email, phone number, age, even the date they were added to theranest (which I was hopeful I could change to suit my needs for this and couldn't), but there's no way to sort by most recent forms submitted. I want to be able to see this from the Clients list with the quick info so I can easily check from there if I need to send them new forms, or remind them again to fill out forms I've already sent. Even just putting another sorting column on the clients list for OTHER, and being able to enter in my own notes to see in the sort view, would be nice. I could then put form dates here, but right now there's no work-around for this
  • Guest
    Jun 17, 2022
    Add a column to the agenda that shows "client forms status" so therapists can be certain they are providing services to patients who have signed and consented to treatment.
  • Guest
    May 20, 2022
    Please add two columns to our Clients Intake Report. It would be helpful to see if paperwork has been completed and if an appointment has been scheduled in that report.
  • Guest
    May 24, 2019
    If I'm missing paperwork on a client I would like to be able to make a pop up generate as a reminder for me to get that paperwork when I have the client coming in like for example off my calendar or agenda
  • Guest
    Jul 19, 2018
    Many of our clients do not complete and submit the intake forms. It would be helpful to run a list of who hasn't completed the forms instead of searching each client's documents tab.