As a provider, allow me to customize one appointment reminder template that my clients receive. Right now, the organization customizes the message, but I'd like to change it for my clients only.
Have additional options for customizable text/email appointment reminders. Each therapist has their own security entrance code for their clients and it would be ideal to include this in appointment reminders. Additional therapist - level automated appointment reminders would be ideal.
I would like the text of the appointment reminders to be specific for each staff. For example, it would be nice to include the telehealth appointment link and contact information for each specific staff in their appointment reminder.
It would be very helpful if clinicians could pre-set their own automatic SMS messages to clients and schedule them to go out at specific times and dates. Ie. I text my clients through this feature and send 1 hour reminder texts to help them remember their appointments -- it would be awesome if I could schedule a set message to be sent out at a specific time each week in addition to the regular reminder text that is sent out 24 hours in advance.
We have multiple therapists who use their own remote meeting rooms outside of the Theranest platform. We would like a way for clients to receive appt reminders that include the specific info - email/ext, and link to remote meeting room - for their provider rather than general information for the agency as a whole.
Allow for reminders to be tailored by each provider. We have several providers who have respective contact information and locations including virtual. One reminder for the whole organization has caused some confusion