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Calendar & Scheduling

Showing 76
278 VOTE

Set staff availability based on days/time, services and locations

Allow me more flexibility in creating my availability. Allow me to set different availability for future dates, or based on services or locations.
Guest almost 7 years ago in Calendar & Scheduling 104 Completed
190 VOTE

See other staff's calendar availability without showing appointment details

Currently, every staff member can see all appointments assigned to other staff members EXCEPT when someone has Therapist level permissions and can only view assigned clients. As a clinician working in a group practice, it is very helpful to be abl...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Calendar & Scheduling 52 Completed
113 VOTE

Multiple available times in a day

When setting my calendar availability, allow me to enter multiple time frames in a single day, such as Mondays from 8-11 AM and from 3-6 PM.
Guest over 4 years ago in Calendar & Scheduling 38 Completed
186 VOTE

Alert staff via text when a client replies to text message reminder

I want to be instantly notified how my clients respond to appointment reminders. It's useful for me to know whether the appointment has been confirmed, cancelled or if my client has responded with any other reply in cases of distress.
Guest over 7 years ago in Calendar & Scheduling 66 Completed
227 VOTE

Indicate if appointment was cancelled by staff or by client

Add ability to indicate whether an appointment was cancelled by a staff member or a client
Guest over 9 years ago in Calendar & Scheduling 32 Completed

Schedule recurring telehealth appointments

Allow me to schedule recurring telehealth appointments that doesn't require me converting individual appointments because converting individual appointments can be easily missed/forgotten about.
Guest over 3 years ago in Calendar & Scheduling 37 Completed
144 VOTE

Freeze calendar header when scrolling

We have several therapist on our calendar, and when you scroll down to put in an appointment it is easy to loss track of what column one is in.
Guest almost 7 years ago in Calendar & Scheduling 27 Completed
130 VOTE

Add more options to scheduling time increments (1 min, 10 min, 50 min, etc.)

I'm not able to schedule clients at the time I need. I usually have 50 minute sessions, but that option is not available in my Calendar Preferences.
Guest over 6 years ago in Calendar & Scheduling 45 Completed
166 VOTE

Display mini gregorian calendar in new appointment modal

instead of having to choose the month then date without looking at the calendar. It would be great to click on the date and SEE a full calendar when scheduling clients. I always need to have my phone or other calendar to see if I am choosing the c...
Guest over 8 years ago in Calendar & Scheduling 59 Completed

View staff availability/unavailability for more than a day

Allow me to view staff availability or unavailability on the calendar for more than a day at a time rather than just in Staff view.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Calendar & Scheduling 33 Completed