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178 VOTE
Status Future consideration
Categories Notes & Cases
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 28, 2017

Include session start and end times on progress notes

Allow me to enter the start and end time of the session on a progress note because payers require this and it's easier to enter the times than adjust the duration.
App Type TheraNest App
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  • Guest
    Mar 18, 2024
    Providers can get insurance clawbacks for having the same start and stop time on every note-- this needs to be changed immediately! Very unacceptable that the time can't be modified
  • Guest
    Jan 23, 2024
    Yes, please!!!
  • Guest
    Nov 10, 2023
    It would be great to add an end time on session notes! This would greatly improve accuracy for billing
  • Guest
    Jan 5, 2023
    It would be helpful if start/end time blanks could be linked to the "duration" box instead of strictly the calendar appointment times because I may have a client on my calendar from 11-12:00 with the appropriate billing code (so when I do the note, it will show 60-minute duration) but I may only see them 57 minutes, for example, and I would love to be able to have the duration mimic the start/end time indicated in the assigned boxes rather than have to change the actual calendar appointment times (which would send a notification to clients) or otherwise do the math and have to change the duration manually. Thanks!
  • Guest
    Oct 14, 2020
    As others have stated, including an end time is critical for billing Medicaid, Medi-Cal, Medicare and other insurance companies. Without the end times stated on the note, if a therapist gets audited, they can be forced to pay back the insurance company or Medicare, etc., for the sessions. This actually happened to a colleague of mine.
  • Guest
    Oct 9, 2020
    Hello! I think it would be really helpful to add a session start time and session end time to the note. This is required for any insurance case review and I would love it if it was easy to add to a note. Thanks!
  • Guest
    Aug 17, 2019
    It would be good to have a way to input actual start and end times for appts as part of the progress note. Enabling this feature to populate the "duration in minutes" field with an accurate session length would also be handy. As of right now I am just writing the start and end time at the beginning of my progress note. While this will hopefully suffice for insurance requirements, it would just feel more streamlined to have it as part of the notes' details at the top of the document (maybe right below the "duration" text).
  • Guest
    Apr 11, 2019
    Appointments seem to snap to time increments but often billing requires exact times. Rather than having to write this in the body of the note it would be helpful when writing the note to be able to adjust the exact time the appointment started and ended.
  • Guest
    Feb 14, 2019
    per NASW need start and end time, so should be able to change both based off actual appointment time not just calendar. ie scheduled for hour, see for 54 minutes. need to be able to put 4:05 util 4:59 end time also be able to change CPT code in note and link to billing and appt so dont have to go backwards.
  • Guest
    Feb 9, 2019
    Once a client is scheduled, can a therapist change or verify the time if the session ends earlier or later prior to the parent signing the note
  • Guest
    Nov 9, 2018
    Hello, I am wondering if we can add another box under service date and time. The service date and time indicates the time we intended to spend 4:00pm - 5:00pm as an example. However, if we started session at 3:45 and ended at 5:45 that is a 90 minute session. Once the time stamp is completed, the duration box should automatically add up the time spend in session. Some is helpful because the insurance will pay for the extra time spent (add on codes etc) AND as an administrator, I can see exactly how clinicians are doing with their time management. Also, the time stamp should not be able to be altered manually by typing in the time. This holds clinicians accountable and really helps us with billing. This is a much needed feature, thank you.
  • Guest
    Jul 12, 2017
    You can do this by changing the start time in the progress note and adjusting length of treatment. this only works in the desktop version but not in the app.
  • Guest
    Jul 12, 2017
    You can edit the start time and duration in the progress note on the desktop site but not in the app.
  • Guest
    Jun 5, 2017
    I really like (and need) this feature because the insurance companies we bill to, require us to be specific.
  • Guest
    Apr 10, 2017
  • Guest
    Apr 10, 2017
    agreed, this is a problem. i can't use the feature because it changes the time to 60 minutes. i tried to use this feature the other day and got stuck with the 60 minutes.
  • Guest
    Apr 9, 2017
    Yes...this is required by insurance companies!
  • Guest
    Apr 5, 2017
    For us, not having exact minutes is a real liability as our funder requires exact times.
  • Guest
    Apr 5, 2017
    The new update that links appointments on the calendar to progress notes also removes our ability to adjust the session time. If we use the "missing progress notes" feature then all of our notes are locked into 60 minute sessions. It would be nice to make the time in session adjustable so that we may accurately record our time with each client in the system.
  • Guest
    Mar 28, 2017
    yes, please add end time to session notes. showing exact start and stop times is an insurance requirement. thank you.
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