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Categories Billing & Payments
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 11, 2014

Client authorization tracking by date and remaining sessions

Often we are given an authorization for a certain number of units and/or sessions and need to track how many units/sessions we have left to alert us to send in an authorization request. Allow me to set this up so that TheraNest can alert me when we reach a certain number of sessions left, so that I can call and get another auth.
App Type TheraNest App
    Aug 23, 2024
    Authorizations can now be created exactly how they are received from payers! When creating an authorization, you can now specify the start and end date, link service types, view authorization statuses when creating an appointment (if enabled), and track the authorization by units or sessions. A new report is available to help you track utilization of authorizations across all clients. Click the following link to learn more: ( )
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  • Guest
    Mar 31, 2023
    The authorizations are given per type of service, so it would be helpful to track those by the service the client received as well as the date. IE - 20 dates of H0015. Thanks!
  • Guest
    Oct 18, 2022
    Yes, it would be nice to enhance the authorization with unit tracking integrated with the billing/appt. We do a lot of billing of H0004 HO, where each unit is 15min and we start with a base of 60 units before needing an auth. Simply tracking by session isn't practical for this code because, depending on the age and need we may bill anywhere from 30min (2 units) for a young child to even 90min (6 units) for intensive trauma therapy. TheraNest bills the correct number of units based on the appt length, so it would be hugely helpful if there was a way to connect that with the authorization reminder. Unfortunately, we are having to rely on our staff to track their units and things fall through the cracks so much more easily. We have added a unit tracking box on our custom progress note, but that still requires staff to remember to update it each time and not make errors. And really, the auth reminder should be able to go to admin/billing staff (not assigned to every case) or there should be a report. TheraNest reminders are great, but staff receive quite a few of them and the people who aren't detail oriented enough to track their units are also the ones who will overlook an auth reminder.
  • Guest
    Oct 6, 2022
    If Theranest is going to stay competitive, we HAVE to be able to pull a report listing all client expiration dates/number of approved visits. To have the feature of being able to enter an exp date or num of approved visits but not have a report to analyze that information doesn't work in the long run. Hope it comes soon.
  • Guest
    Aug 29, 2022
    I received an email that this was updated, however, I can not seem to find any changes?
  • Guest
    Jun 9, 2022
    Please add an Authorization Start Date field that corresponds with the authorization end date and reauthorization reminder. It is also possible to include a data field for our Medicaid clients that have not only an authorized session limit but also a unit limit. Being able to track this data and and pull reports based on the authorization start date, end date and sessions / units remaining would greatly benefit our practice.
  • Guest
    May 31, 2022
    Allow reports to run how many clients require authorization and how many sessions the auth was and how many sessions are left - also, only count a session if it was kept.
  • Guest
    Feb 3, 2022
    In the insurance or scholarship area, it would be great if there would be a feature added for the number of sessions approved. Then when only one session left, the system would email the counselor (email address could be entered for who to contact) to let them know.
  • Guest
    Jan 25, 2022
    A reminder for re-authorization to assigned staff persons based on expiration date of clients would be beneficial.
  • Guest
    Dec 31, 2021
    If we are to continue with teletherapy it is imperative that the technology reflects our needs. Having a real-time tracker/countdown for allowed sessions as well as deductibles would be more than perfect. It takes away from us having to manually do so many of our processes.
  • Guest
    Jul 14, 2021
    We often provide multiple types of therapy to one client. Sometimes each therapy type has a different payer (i.e., one service is funded by a state program, and the other service is funded by insurance, and the third may be self-pay). Each type will generally have its own authorization and set number of units allowed in a specific date range. The current setup of one end date and a general number of allowable units, and emailing all staff assigned to the case does not work for these types of clients. It would be extremely helpful if we could set the reauthorization reminder for each client by: 1. the insurer/payer 2. track the number of sessions/units per service type 3. only email the reminders to rendering provider + admin, not all staff assigned to the client
  • Guest
    Jun 3, 2021
    It would be extremely helpful to have a real time count of remaining authorized sessions on the agenda view. A simple note of "4/10, exp 12/31/21" would assist greatly in knowing exactly where a client is in relation to time remaining and would assist in planning for reauthorization requests which often take several weeks to obtain. If additional authorization is added, the count could simply adjust, accordingly. I currently track this information in my notes but accessing it is time consuming and cumbersome during a busy schedule. It would be so helpful to have this right there on the agenda view so that I have immediate access to it and am reminded for every session.
  • Guest
    May 19, 2021
    Yes, please add an option to track reauthorizations by a date. If it's set to remind with X number of sessions remaining, and the client has cancelled sessions, that has the potential to adjust the reminder. If a date could be entered to alert several weeks before the authorization end date, that will be very beneficial.
  • Guest
    Mar 9, 2021
    chart to measure managed care, including how many funds and sessions left linked to calendar/billed sessions.
  • Guest
    Feb 5, 2021
    I would love to see whose authorizations are ending in a report so we can ensure that evaluations are happening at the appropriate time. I also would love to have the ability to run a report on any auth dates that are missing so I can catch clerical errors or omissions.
  • Guest
    Feb 4, 2021
    In addition to tracking it- the ADMIN STAFF needs to be alerted when these pre-authorizations are up. I have tried adding admin or billing staff to the client "Assign Staff" tab but the counselors get the alert when sessions have expired or are about to and then I have to trust the counselors to send that alert to me.... why can't an admin staff be added to the Assign Staff tab and receive all the alerts. Many practices the counselors Do Not deal with insurance at all
  • Guest
    Oct 14, 2020
    If there was a "Start Date" & " End Date" for authorized sessions, there should be better accuracy with the number of visits used and the "Nearing expiration."
  • Guest
    Sep 23, 2020
    We have clients with different funders for different therapies and we could use more than one Authorization End Date location.
  • Guest
    Jun 22, 2020
    Too many errors with reminders, even after following directions. It isn't accurately counting.
  • Guest
    May 7, 2020
    Yes this please! There are times when we have to refer back to a previous authorization for a particular claim and need to be able to recall the authorization number.
  • Guest
    May 2, 2020
    You recently added authorization expiration: Could you put this in as a report to run under the Report section? This way they can be pulled up in a report.
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