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Categories Notes & Cases
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 16, 2014

Customize existing clinical note templates

Allow me to customize the existing clinical note templates (i.e. progress notes, treatment plan, initial assessment, discharge summary) so that I can add and remove fields that are relevant to my practice and meet my payer requirements.
App Type TheraNest App
    Aug 23, 2024
    TheraNest's Dynamic Progress Notes feature has been released! Dynamic Progress Note forms allow you to create customized Progress Note templates for client session notes. Create custom progress note forms for the notes that need to be kept for each appointment. The Dynamic elements automatically pull information from the Client profile and case information. Click ( ) here ( ) to learn more.
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  • Guest
    Mar 19, 2022
    This is much needed for my agency. We also need to be able to edit the title of the note. We need to use two different notes with two different titles for each appointment: Progress Note and Encounter Form. The notes need to be customizable so that we can meet the specific requirements of our local and state regulations.
  • Guest
    Mar 15, 2022
    I would like to be able to create my own progress note template. I have one that has the option of checking boxes and adding details as needed and fits with the way in which I organize / assess / monitor the progress of my clients. I would like to recommend applying the dynamic forms feature to the creation of progress notes.
  • Guest
    Feb 17, 2022
    I would like to customize the current report to allow a user to pick the notes for which they want to run a report instead of default system notes. We had to tweak the system notes to accommodate our needs. So, I would like to run a report based on our notes instead.
  • Guest
    Feb 15, 2022
    I like mental status drop down but wish I had ability to change subtitles to fit BIRP (Behavior, Intervention, response or plan or leave black so I could write in myself).
  • Guest
    Feb 1, 2022
    We would like the ability to add additional fields to the initial assessment
  • Guest
    Jan 14, 2022
    I've been using Theranest for 3 years with my agency. I want to use Theranest for my new private practice, however, there are many documentation limitation on your platform. I would be beyond grateful if you could allow your users to edit the documents for our individual use. Please and thank you!!
  • Guest
    Jan 13, 2022
    This is a make or break feature for me. If you add this feature I will switch to you immediately from my current EHR which has this feature. One of my main reasons for using an EHR is to improve and make faster my documentation. Fully editable note fields (including treatment plans and initial assessments) is a big deal for me. If you can find a way to do it as other EHRs have, please do it! If you could start with one thing, allow us to put in our own pre-defined options for interventions.
  • Guest
    Dec 11, 2021
    I’m a TheraNest user. Currently, I am working toward becoming a registered play therapist, and progress notes are recorded much differently in Play Therapy. I’d really like to have access to a template for Play Therapy Progress Notes, and be able to easily switch back and forth between them and the existing progress notes template since I see clients of all ages. I am attaching a commonly used form used in play therapy for progress notes. Thanks for considering this, Melynda Heienickle
  • Guest
    Dec 6, 2021
    I tried to create a discharge summary (because you don't really have one) but just realized that when I go to discharge a couples/family case, it is writing up one document for the whole case. this would be fine but I'm not sure if it links to both individuals in the case and it does not draw in their individual identifying information. Please improve the way dynamic forms works with family cases.
  • Guest
    Nov 29, 2021
    TheraNest has a fantastic platform for Counseling and Therapy. As an owner of an agency that also offers extended/additional services (Case Management, Certified Peer, Family, and Youth Support, Community-Based Rehabilitation Services, etc.) it'd be nice to have the ability to use TheraNest for these additional services (create treatment/recovery plans, progress notes, service types, and other necessary documentation for various services).
  • Guest
    Nov 20, 2021
    Please let us be able to edit and add fields to the Progress Notes that suit the needs of the practice.
  • Molly Palmer
    Nov 20, 2021
    I am a Psych Mental Health Nurse Practitioner and have many complaints about the inefficiencies of TheraNest. The forms do not work for clinicians, as there is no place for medical documentation or assessment. All insurance companies have increased documentation requirements for prescribers and TheraNest has failed to keep up with these standards. Essentially, all clinicians have to re-type everything each time there is a new assessment, as there are no auto-fill options or standard mental health statements that can be carried over from other forms or the DSM5 or screening tools. Also, you cannot attach diagnostic codes or billing to a custom form, which means you have to chart again in a standard note. A form cannot be edited - we have lost entire content from signed documents when attempting to edit a custom form. I recommend that Theranest look at their competition (Valant) and take some notes. - Mindful Living Group
  • Guest
    Nov 10, 2021
    Please add the dynamic forms formatting options to the progress note template so that we can personalize our progress notes (symptom dropdowns, Client participation, Checkboxes etc...).
  • Guest
    Nov 8, 2021
    It would be helpful if we could make customizable progress notes that allows for checklist items and space to write as well. That way we can have specific insurance criteria met.
  • Guest
    Nov 8, 2021
    The more customizable the better!
  • Guest
    Nov 4, 2021
    these should really be separate areas to evaluate. SUD should have it's own area. Safety/SI/HI should have its own area. Psychosis could be included in an "other general risk" but my hope is it would already have been mentioned in the presenting problem.
  • Guest
    Nov 3, 2021
    Customizable note templates are VITAL for us therapists!!!!!!
  • Guest
    Oct 25, 2021
    This is absolutely crucial for this EMR. We use multiple services which have clinical notes, and the template doesn't make sense for them. We should be able to customize a clinical note either uploaded or in the same way we do dynamic forms.
  • Guest
    Oct 20, 2021
    Hello...I would really like to be able to customize the existing clinical notes by creating specialized trauma notes for EMDR and RTM procedures (which require special language and measures).
  • Guest
    Oct 19, 2021
    It would be great if we could add sections to the premade notes, or when we are creating our own notes if we could make use of some of the functionality of the premade notes, such as the drop down mental status and attaching the note to the appointment scheduled.
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