Our practice sees a lot of different groups. It would be helpful if we could organize them, categorize them, or provide some type of label so we can filter the group list to only see a subset.
Allow only staff members with admin permissions the ability to view the Retention Rate report. We don't want all staff members to view the performance of other staff members.
over 1 year ago
in Reporting
Future consideration
Report on demographics of clients served within a time period
Our organization receives grants and we have to provide detailed demographic reporting for the clients that we've serviced during a given time period (e.g., % of clients served within a specific city, % of clients that were low-income, etc.). Allo...
over 1 year ago
in Reporting
Future consideration
If I've created a Dynamic Progress Note, have the name of the Dynamic Progress Note appear on the printed document (e.g., Psychotherapy Note, Group Counseling Session), rather than just "Progress Note".
over 1 year ago
in Notes & Cases
Future consideration
Do not auto-assign newly assigned staff to all open cases
When a new staff member is assigned to a client, do not automatically assign them to all open individual cases. There may be some cases where the newly assigned staff doesn't need access.
Sara McClure
over 1 year ago
in Notes & Cases
Future consideration