In Forms make it so signature and date are next to each other
Right now I make it so someone has to type in their name and date which takes up a lot of space in two seperate lines. We need people to do signature and date NEXT to each other and same with initial and/or initial and date. Can this be added to c...
Allow admin control of only showing client initials in synced calendars
As an admin, allow me to set the preference for having only client initials show in calendars and email alerts for all my staff rather than having them control this setting individually.
Restrict staff from editing the service type filter on the calendar
Allow me to restrict staff members from editing the service type filter on the calendar. We have staff members that are hiding some service types which then leads to double booking or missing appointments.
Make the top-level navigation items default to a page rather than having to click a sub-page (similar to how Schedule and Reports function) so I can navigate the system more quickly.
If I subscribe to add-on features such as Telehealth, Wiley, the Client Portal, etc., allow me to pay for those features annually as I do with my TheraNest subscription.