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TheraNest Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 18, 2020

Telehealth link for Couples Psychotherapy

Can you please update that individual telehealth subscription to include sending ONE telehealth LINK to a couple/family who have a shared appointment but will be in the same location? There is no need to upgrade to the group subscription since only one user client link is needed. However, the scheduling/calendar wont allow me to make a telehealth group appointment for couples without the subscription upgrade. It is recommended by TheraNest documentation in couple psychotherapy session is added into the electronic medical record as a "group appointment" to link the progress notes/treatment plans.
App Type TheraNest App
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Apr 2, 2024
    Yes, please. This is an issue. I see another request for this that could be merged with this one. The other one has 47 votes. "Subscribe therapists to either individual or group telehealth" I'll go one step further and suggest that 2 people should be allowed under the "Individual" subscription. I would not consider a couple to be a group. Thank you for the consideration!
  • Guest
    Nov 7, 2023
    I have asked for this as well. It does not make good sense to have to pay for a telehealth group in order to do couples work when the couple is in two different location. Nor should it require a separate client enrollment for each couple. I am strongly considering leaving what has been, otherwise a good EHR system for my practice. There are a number of EHR’s that already include this feature as part of the base cost.
  • Guest
    Oct 27, 2023
    The same problem comes up for those of us who see kids. It's important to have parent sessions, often the parents are divorced/separated and can not be in the same location. I actually pay the upgraded fee so that I can see parents in different locations but this does not work either. I am being told each parents, id addition to the child, would need to have their own client account in order to make this work. This would would mean that for every 1 client I see, I would have to regester and keep files on 3 clients. This makes no sense. I would then have to keep files on parents when in fact they are not my clients.
  • Guest
    Aug 21, 2023
    Adding the ability to have 2 clients under the $12 plan would allow for situations in which a couple cannot be in the same place at the same time for a session. Or you could add a mid-size telehealth plan. Not everyone in my practice needs the ability to see large groups, but they all need to be able to do relationship counseling.